How hard is it to drive an ECV?


DIS Veteran
May 8, 2003
We are going to WDW in June with my Mom, age 71. She normally gets around pretty well in day to day life though occasionally has balance problems and likes to hang onto people when she walks. Several people have recommended that we get an ECV for her but she is concerned about driving it around. She is afraid she will not be able to control it and will hit people in the crowded parks. She has never learned to drive a car so she literally has no driving experience.

My dh has offered to push her in a wheelchair when she needs it. He is a fitness freak and I think he's actually looking forward to the "workout" this will give him. My Mom is not a big person, but others have warned that this will still be too hard to do.

Do you think we should get her an ECV? Will she be able to drive it?
Take her to Target, Kmart and such and have her drive one of theirs around. She will get an idea of what it is like to drive one on WDW's. Then to make it easier rent one form of property so it will be easier to drive.
The ones at stores and grocery stores are good to practice with. They drive the same as the ones you will find at WDW, but they are much bigger than the ones you will find at WDW (plus they have the cart on the front). So, if she can drive one in the store, she will have no problem at WDW.
If you have a choice of "practice" places, I'd suggest Target. Their main aisles and side aisles (except maybe in the clothing areas) are wide and uncluttered. I would save Walmart for after she has had quite a bit of practice - their main aisles have a lot of merchandise in them.

There is information about renting ECVs in the disABILITIES FAQs thread near the top of the board. The other advice I would give is to take a few minutes to practice things like backing up, turning, stopping, etc. Also, I would suggest Epcot is a good park to start with for an inexperienced ECV driver. There is a lot more space there and less congestion with people. MK would be the worst park to start with.
I have had some out of town friends with me for a few days. One of them needed an ECV and I loaned her my spare. By today (second day) she was driving like an expert and she and her husband were asking me about buying one for her.


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