How to get back the motivation??


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Ok I have been reading lots of posts about being i a "RUT" or not being motivated anymore where our healthy goals are concerned. Rest assured you are not the only one. At some time each of us has gone through this. I seem to go through this every several weeks or so. I loose motivation adn I gain a couple pounds then I find it and loose that couple pounds then maybe a few more then I start the cycle over again. My biggest problem is that I let a bad day turn into a week then a month and it is so easy to eat whatever and so hard to get back with the program. I am not sure what will help regain the motivation for each of you. I wish that I did. I wish I could wave my magic wand and those who need the motivation would have all that they can stand. The only this I can say to you is to sit down and revaluate why you are trying to be healthier in the first place. Really reflect on why you are doing this and make up a new plan. start simple maybe it is that this week you will begin to drink your water again or to walk 2 nights a week. I don't know if this will work for you but I truly hope it does. The motivation will return. Good Luck everyone and let me know how you are doing!!
The WISHers are always here for you and we will stick together!!!!
How about doing something fun for yourself that doesn't include eating? Go have your nails done, get a facial, go shopping, get a haircut, get together with a friend to scrapbook or something like that. It wouldn't have to be something that cost anything either. Sometimes we just start to kind of feel down and sorry for ourselves. Give yourself a lift and do something fun.
I have also been in such a "rut" but am planning on going back to WW this week and hopefully it will warm up so I can start walking. I think the warmer is get's, the more we will be motivated. eeeek Shorts?? :)
I think i'm on my way out of the "rut" too. I've had a lot of time to think whilst being laid up in bed with the 'flu this week. I got out my WW At Home stuff and my WW mags. and have read through everything all over again. My girlfriend has offered me a Nordic Track for free and there is now no reason why I shouldn't be well on my way.

Hopefully everyone else who was feeling bogged down and unmotivated will catch our vibes Kelsie!!
Jiminy...that's exactly what I have been going through. Lose, gain, gain, lose and on and on. I'm slowing gaining back what I originally lost (40#). I must refocus my wants and desires and renew my commitment and get back on track. Thank you for your words of wisdom and letting us all know we are not alone in our battle.
Jiminy....I have the same problem...letting one bad day send me into a downward spiral. It's too easy to let bad habits creep back. Going to the WW meetings helps me stay accountable, though. :) Someone there usually has a good tip or recipe to try too which helps.

Kelsie...did you get back to your WW meeting?

11 weeks until Disney. I want to be at or near goal by then.:) That's a big part of my motivation.
I have been in a huge rut, but starting Monday, I am working on getting myself out of it. I really want to lose this has just been sooo hard to get motivated!!
I keep being bad, I admit it. I do keep trying again. That is the good news. I haven't yet said, "oh well, I might as well eat a whole pie since I blew it today already!"

DH has lost 20 pounds. I'm really proud of him. Wish I had his stamina for dieting. I'm trying to eat pickles, carrots and rice cakes when I feel a need to nibble. It's just so hard!
Diznee, I agree, Spongebob for President! LOL

I am doing pretty good with the food thing, now I just need to get going on an exercise routine. I can't seem to make myself get out of bed earlier. I know, I just have to do it and when I go to bed, I think to myself . . . "I'm going to get up and exercise when my alarm goes off." But then, my alarm goes off and I hit snooze, almost without thinking. I also keep thinking that if I can just do it for a week, then I'll start to really enjoy it and see great results and I'll want to get out of bed at 5 am.

Oh well, another day, another chance to do the right thing. I'm not beating myself up about it, because I think I'm losing, just really slowly and exercise would speed things up.
Okay, this thread was aimed at me! I have been trying to get motivated again since Thanksgiving when I caved in to the stress of my little world. Now that the holidays are well over I need to get it back together and get on with the show. My DS has kindly helped with my motivation...he joined the Marines. Yikes! He will be going to Parris this sounds shallow but I am not going to that oven for boot camp graduation wearing all the layers I usually wear to hide the 60 pounds that I am over weight. I am not, I am not, I am not! If he can go to boot camp I can drop 60 pounds by December. The temp at Parris Island stays at a constant HOT year round. I want to go and look fashionable without breaking a sweat. I'll have enough water problems with my tears.

So, in conclusion, I am starting vitamins, water, healthy eating, cardio and weight training this week. Tues. will be weight in and on the 26th of every month I will measure up (down I hope). Rewards are in place for 20 pound goals. Did I forget anything?

Thanks for listening.....Melissa
This thread was aimed directly at me, too. I started doing WW at Home last July and dropped 21 pounds before a back injury and a subsequent loss of all motivation. The weeks turned into months and now...yikes!!!'s already the end of March, and I've gained back 12 of those pesky pounds I'd lost. I've been maintaining, maybe losing and regaining a couple of pounds here and there, since the beginning of the year, and I'm now at the point I was last July...totally sick and tired of being sick and tired of the weight! All my WW stuff is back, the points are being counted, and I plan on being nice and fit by the time we head to Disney in late November.

Melissa...It sounds like you've got a great plan, and the rewards are definitely an incentive I use as well. Good luck with your plan...I've got to lose around the same amount of weight, and I'm looking at the same time frame, too. Here's to us both being able to "unlayer our clothes" by the time December gets here!:D


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