I am sorry


Babcia Extraordinaire/B-Elder YaYa
Sep 5, 2001
It seems I started a thread here that upset people. :(

I never want to do that on the DIS.

Please accept my apolgies.
You have nothing to be sorry for. We are all feeling bad about what happened to this child.

No apologies needed. I personally did not think that you were heartless.
Newmousecateer, don't be so hard on yourself. You expressed an opinion, someone else didn't like your opinion and expressed theirs.

It's okay, and you weren't exactly wrong. You have apologized more than once, it's okay.

newmousecateer, you're truly "virginal" compared to ole EROS who has a habit of upsetting people here all of the time. The DIS is all about expressing one's opinions; some will agree, some will disagree. I think that ALL of us are outraged at the spate of kidnappings and murders of several children recently. Frankly, we're ALL emotional around these losses. You're entitled to your thoughts, and I'd urge you to keep expressing them. However, be aware that in doing so you may receive a host of counter-opinions;) ;) ;) . Hey, I'm covered with arrowholes, but I'm still posting:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: .......
OK. I was sitting here thinking I would never ever again express how I feel about an issue.

Guess what. WRONG!! Thanks to a couple of PM's and your reply EROS, I am going to express my feelings on certain issues no matter what others may think :Pinkbounc (Hope that isn't too strong of language)

Thanks all. I love it here! :bounce: :Pinkbounc
As I stated on your other thread, Marilyn, you only stated your opinion, which is great. And, as I said there, the main thing I and other folks on the DIS get tired of is hateful, hurtful thoughts from people. It's not that kind of place. But certainly, opinions, like you expressed, are welcome, they are the essence of theis place.
newmousecateer.........."hateful, hurtful thoughts" are "code words" for strong opinions which the majority around here don't wish to hear:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .

U BE U!!!!!!
Your assumption was only logical and hindsight is 20/20. Although, we need to "be kind to others" (which I assume the girl's father's roommate was doing in this case, the parents should have gone back to their own home where it would have been safer for little Casey. But, they didn't and I'm sure they didn't feel that she was in danger being in that house. Sadly, now they know that she was in grave danger.
I don't think you owed anyone an apology. We could all make the same assumption knowing what we now know. Keep posting! This kind of thing happens to all of us. :D
Don't feel bad newmousecateer, I felt the same way when I first heard the story. I thought how could parents let a transient man stay in thier house with a young child......But after reading the rest of the story and realizing they knew the man I suppose I understand (although I cannot say I would have done the same).

Don't worry about people disagreeing with you, it happens to everyone! There are so many different cultures and backgrounds on the DIS you can never make EVERYONE happy ( and really who would want to ;) ) Like EROS said, be yourself!!!

:):) Christine
Well I think it's refreshing to see that someone on here actually listens to the responses and thinks about them! I think you did make a reflex judgement, and it's wrong to do that without being informed (and even with the better explanation that was given, we really never know what the true circumstances were).

A trait that is nearly extinct on this board is the ability to put oneself in another person's shoes. Empathy is nearly nonexistent, except for other DISers. (I.e., if the parent were a DISer, she would have gotten all the support in the world). People should learn from this and not be so harsh. I think you're a big step beyond a lot of people, who won't change their minds regardless of the evidence.

As said above, everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes even potentially fatal mistakes... the only difference sometimes is luck.

Just remember many people are experts on nothing. A few are experts on one or two topics. We're all ignorant about everything else.
I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions on whatever topic & if they happen to contradict mine that's fine (though they're almost always wrong ;)). I do think in making sure we get our point across, we all sometimes forget that little thing that can persuade someone to take our opinion into account, "tact". I realize there are some hot button issues for us, but I think we should all try to take other people's feelings into account when expressing our points, no? :confused:
newmousecateer -- your opinion is your opinion. It's just as important and valid as the other posters here on the CB. I read the thread you reference. You spoke what you felt, you gave an opinion. We are all entitled to our opinions. No need to apologize to anyone.
No need to apologize.. Many of us on the CB have differing opinions but for the most part we're pretty "civil" about it.. :)

Hope you got my PM !
We all have opinions. Lots of times we have differing opinions. I wasn't offended because you "spoke" yours out loud. {{hugs}}
Don't you apologize for you opinion... we all should be allowed to state our opinion without having to apologize for it as long as we aren't being rude or demeaning. {{hugs}}


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