I *HAD* her, 3 times!! (stray kitten story)


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
And I lost her each time.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

When I went out tonight to take the stray her food, I had an empty water bottle box -- deja blue. If anyone's familiar with their boxes, you know that the box has holes on 4 sides and is about the size of a carrier.

As I was walking to my car to leave the food and then take the box to the trash bin, I went "wait a minute, I wonder if she'd eat out of this". So I set the food in the box and set the box down in front of my car.

Then as soon as I turned away, I heard her mewing again. Again a "mew-hiss-mew-hiss-iwantmyfood-mew-hiss". I got the food, got the box, and set it down in front of the car she was hiding behind, backed away three steps and sat down.

Sure enough, almost immediately she climbed in the box and got her food!

Great, I thought! Tonight's the night! I got up and ran upstairs and got the carrier (the live trap is over at my parent's) and tied some string on the door, brought it down, and switched the food from the box to the carrier.

Then I left her, the food, and the carrier (with string run out to two car lengths down) and walked away to throw the box in the trash (the original reason I had the box with me).

When I walked back, I approached from the other side and saw her feet poking out of the carrier. So I hurried around, quietly as I could, and couldn't find her. I approached the carrier, carrying the string, and instead of just closing the carrier and *then* looking to see if I had her, I looked first.

Of course she ran out before I could close the door. That was time #1.

The second time, about five minutes later, I actually got her *IN* the carrier and the door closed, but of course she was scratching on the door and I'd forgotten a glove so was trying to figure out how to keep the door closed so she couldn't get out -- when she pushed on it hard enough it stretched the string (or maybe bent the plastic door) and she escaped.

She wouldn't talk to me for several minutes, ignored the carrier and the food in it, and though I knew she was still hungry, wouldn't do anything but lie down three cars away (oddly, under the car that I was sitting by instead of farther away from me).

After being given strange looks by two sets of passers-by, who got very interested when I explained what I was doing, I moved the carrier right to the car I was sitting by. I moved the plate out several feet away and she approached the plate again as soon as I backed off and sat down.

So I let her get a few bites, then stood up and moved the plate half-way between there and the carrier, sat back down again, and encouraged her to come eat from the plate.

Again, she ate.

Again I got up, scaring her away from the food, and this time moved the food right next to the open door of the carrier. It took her a few seconds longer, but again she approached and ate from the plate. When I put the plate *in* the carrier, though, she just lay down and wouldn't come near.

So I took the plate out and set it next to the door again and ran back inside for my last container of tuna (of course gave Blaze and Skye a bite) and a second plate. And a glove.

When I came back outside, she was eating from the plate again. I scared her away long enough to put some tuna on the new plate, shove it to the back of the carrier, put some tuna on the floor of the carrier just inside the door, put a little on the plate with the rest of the food just outside the door, and tossed two small bites to where she was hiding, then sat back again.

It took patience, but she ate those bites, came to the plate and licked it clean, then entered the carrier and licked the floor clean, then went back to the back and started eating.

So I pulled on the string to try and catch her.


Of course she felt the motion as I tried to swing the string enough to pull the door *closed* instead of *open* and ran out and wouldn't approach anything more for the next 15 minutes until I admitted defeat, gathered up the bites I'd put on the ground and piled it all on the tuna plate, and returned the tuna plate to the place where I usually leave food out for her.


And one of the couples who passed me by asked if we were going to keep her if I caught her. I told them I didn't know. They said they'd been considering getting a cat. I told them if they'd keep her an indoor cat and not declaw her, we'd let them have her. I just wanted her safe off the street. They said nah, they wanted an orange or gray cat. I said she's orange *and* gray. They hmmed and continued to their apartment. It gave them something to think about so we'll see. So I've got a nibble on a possible home.

I'm debating whether I'll try again tomorrow night or wait until Friday, but we're so close to catching her!

Of course DH, who *started* this whole thing by seeing her in the first place, isn't being supportive at all. :( He's not saying stop feeding her, but won't answer anything when I ask what to do with her if we catch her, won't go down and help feed her, and when I asked if I should try catching her tonight was kinda "uhhh...then what will we do with her?"

My answer of "leave her on the back porch until first thing tomorrow morning when we'll take her in to the vet and have her checked out" was just enough for him to say "if you want to".

Wow, it's been an eventful night. I still can't believe I HAD her and lost her.

Next time.....
Keep trying! You will get results. My Mom has adopted a few abandoned cats (actually, they adopted her!) It took awhile, but she was feeding them on the patio and the back steps. When winter came, they spent the winter in the cellar (not the first year, but the second) There was only one she couldn't touch (to get to the vet) But she was pretty old when she wandered into the yard. Only had 2 litters after she came home. then was too old for babies. (Mom caught the babies and found them good homes) Now the old kitty cat is deaf, and close to her end. She has had years added onto her life due to my mom. One lucky cat!

But I digress, keep at the kitten. You will be doing her a favor in the long run. Can;t wait to hear how the kitty saga ends!
Oh, there's no way I'm giving up on her now. The only question is what to do with her after we catch her. She's not as tame as I hoped, is hissing at me more when I approach than she did before, but she also calls out to me when I first bring the food out and approaches to within 3 feet when I first come outside -- doesn't run. We're so close. I was hoping we'd have her on our back porch tonight, but it wasn't to be.

Tomorrow I'm going to call the vet and make sure they *would* see her if we can catch her. If not, I'm going to have to find a vet that will. I'd be surprised if no one at the clinic will see a feral, though. Especially if we're trying to find her a home (maybe ours) after we make sure she's not sick.
Good luck with kitty. You are so patient. I'm glad she has you. Hope you are able to capture her soon.
They said nah, they wanted an orange or gray cat.

When DH and I were discussing adopting two kittens, we only had 2 considerations....we didn't want white or long-haired.

What did we get?

2 long-haired, mostly-white kittens. :p I wouldn't trade them in for anything. Personality is what matters, not the looks. ;)
Tammi, I can't believe you got so close to getting her already! Keep trying and I know you'll catch her soon! You are so patient and such a dear to care for her that much!
I'm going to get a pen set up on the back porch for her. We've got those gate things that we got to separate Blaze and Skye when we first got them... right now they're just sitting in the middle of the floor surrounding a litterbox in such a way as to not *really* be useful. I'm going to set it up tonight so that if I'm able to catch her in the next couple of days we have somewhere to put her *right away*. Even got a plan for how we can feed her without her escaping, and (like it'll work -- best laid plans and all that) how to get her back into the carrier when we have her loose in the pen and need her in the carrier.

I don't intend the pen to be her permanant home, but it'll be larger than what cats are kept in at the shelters or pet stores, and it's better than her constantly running under the tires of cars all the time. And if need be, that *will* be her home until I can tame her.

She'll be sacrificing freedom for regular, reliable food, safety, and care.
What about mama kitty?? Oh Tammi I wish I lived near you, I would take her in a minute once the vet said she was okay to live with my spoiled rotten babies. I feel bad for the mama too though. But I would be doing the same thing....it still breaks my heart that I never saw the little black kitten again near my home.
Originally posted by Beauty
What about mama kitty

I haven't ever seen her again. :( DH says he sees her all the time in the morning when he leaves for work. What I think we'll do is once we have the baby (who I'm moving my estimate back down to 3 months in age again based on the color of her eyes) and get her checked out, I'll set the live trap instead of the carrier for mom, and we'll just get mom spayed/neutered. I still don't know if "mom" is male or female for certain ;)
I wouldn't worry too much about the hissing. One cat we had did a lot of hissing in general and she wasn't ever wild. I'd hear her hissing in the other room to herself I guess. :confused: She hissed sometimes when she played and she hissed continuously when she went to the vet. But that was the extent of her viciousness.

I think that you're doing such a nice thing. :D
If it was serious hissing and hostile posturing, I'd take it more seriously. But a cat just going mew mew mew hiss mew mew mew facing you with ears forward and tail up and back not arched isn't too bad. She's just saying don't come any closer. So I don't :)


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