I'll be leaving soon


<font color=3366FF>Domestic Goddess<br>
Feb 11, 1999
for the weekend. We're going to a dance convention/competition with Chelsea. It was shortly after this competition that she broke her leg last year, so this will be the first time I've seen her dance in a year. The girls have put in over 100 extra hours in the last 5 weeks learning 2 new dances and relearning 2 from last year. I think I've driven to the studio at least 25 times a week for the last several weeks. :eek: I've been up until 3 am the last two nights sewing rhinestones on costumes.

I'm so excited to see her dance again, but I'm so ready for this one to be over. :D Of course we have another one in Houston next weekend, :rolleyes: then we'll get a break for a month or so. :D

One more thing, please don't tell Chelsea to "break a leg." :D

Ya'll have a nice weekend. :) :) :)

Good luck and have a safe trip! I know how devoted us "dance moms" can be. However, DD has decided to give up dancing this year after the big recital in May and focus on golf. We're going to let Dad drive to the lessons and a change LOL.

Take Care,
I think dancing may probably be my first love. I enjoy it so much I don't know what I would do if I had an injury that would prevent me from doing it. I can only imagine what Chelsea was feeling during her recuperation. Have a wonderful wonderful time.

Have a great time.. hope all those sequins stay put!
I just read this and was wondering how your weekend went. It will be almost one year ago (Valentine's day) that I got to "meet" you on the phone! Just want you to know that I miss you. I may come over here to "see" you more often! :)
I am sure Chelsea's dance competition went well--I can't believe it has been almost one yr. since her break. Good luck in Houston!! {{{hugs}}} to you!


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