"In my mind, I'm already gone..."


Jun 20, 2000
I think Kramer said this on Seinfeld, but it fits my mood today. We leave tomorrow morning (early - if I can get my 11-year old moving) and hope to be doing the Summit Plummit by afternoon. We're sharing a 2-bedroom at OKW with my brother and his family. My parents and sister and her family will be there as well. We decided against the Grand Villa this time - too many cousins in one building! Should be an adventure. It's a short trip, so we have not made many specific plans - we'll see where the crowds and the kids want to go.
I'll let you know how it all turned out next week!:Pinkbounc
I know the feeling - we'll be right behind you. It is hard to get anything at work done, 'cause I want to be gone so bad.

Have a great time.
"Have a great trip".
I feel your pain :) Here I am reading the DIS boards and listening to my Disney's Greatest Hits CD instead of working. I'm just ready to be there already!
Have a great trip.:hyper:

I've tried every way possible to get one more trip for this year, but just can't get it to work out.

I feel the same way!! Have a great time!

Allison an associate
I still have 20 days left and I feel that way too!!!!!
Everyday I spend more and more of my time on these boards to help ease my Disneyitis!!;)
Ditto for us, too! Why does the two weeks before you leave go so slow, but while you are there....it passes too quickly!?
Suzi Q - I know what you mean!

I'm so excited 'cause DH just mentioned that the first night we're there is the beginning of DLS, fall back. That means one extra hour of vacation! :Pinkbounc


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