Interesting call to CRO this afternoon


I want to live in the Castle
Jul 18, 2002
I called CRO today and a voice answered and they said their name. They asked me mine so I gave it to the CM and as soon as the CM knew how to pronouce my last name (1 in 100,000 gets it right), I knew I had not mis heard the voice on the other end of the phone to be someone I "knew". I knew the voice, but the name was different. They were not allowed to tell me it was them either. I know that CRO calls for dining are answered by the online/catalog staff in Kansas City, but I also know that the CRO RESERVATION over flow calls are also answered by the people working for the catalog call center in Kansas City. This CM member stopped from telling me who they really were and I told them that I knew it was them. I for sure know now 100% for sure I have no code attached to my name as I trust this person to be honest. While I was on the phone, I asked them to check just to be sure. I've worked with them over the course of a few years.

So, it is no wonder mis information can be produced if over flow calls are being answered by folks that normally don't work in that area. Not only that, they have to learn 3 different jobs. I feel sorry for all of them :guilty:

It's no wonder when some people call about codes, the CM doesn't know. They probably really don't know what we are talking about.
Oh, the overflow is definately answered in Kansas City, Kansas. (Not Missouri) In fact, if you look in the Kansas City Star, there's a big ad for people to answer phones in their KCK operation and help people plan their Disney vacation. The shift is from noon to 10pm.
FallDisney said:
Oh, the overflow is definately answered in Kansas City, Kansas. (Not Missouri) In fact, if you look in the Kansas City Star, there's a big ad for people to answer phones in their KCK operation and help people plan their Disney vacation. The shift is from noon to 10pm.

Someone told me why once the catalog call center was in Kansas, but now I can't remember. Something to do with the work laws in Kansas??? No clue...old age hurts my memory.
Call centers are never really who they say they are. A friend worked for Citibank (the credit card company) in one of their call centers in TN, for 4 years. She has taken calls for Ford Roadside Assistance, Shell Roadside Assistance, Jaguar Roadside Assistance, etc. She has also taken calls for Home Depot Credit, Sears, Zales Jewlers, The Children's Place, Catherine's, etc and 42 other company's credit cards, all in the same shift. They would answer a customer service call one minute, and then open a new account the next, then answer a call from a store needing an authorization in the next call. People who work in call centers are expected to remember all of that stuff, and learn to multitask. Also, customer's rarely know that they are speaking with Citibank, and not the company that they are calling (ie Sears, Home Depot, etc). Especially Ford and Jaguar customers, who would not be too thrilled that they were talking to a bank, instead of the company that they purchased the car from. Just a little insight into the world of call centers.
My good friend has been a reservationist for Continental Airlines in Houston for about 15 years. In the morning, she handles Continental reservations, in the afternoon, she is a WDW 'CM' and books rooms or packages or makes PS reservations. She went through a training session last year when they first contracted with WDW< and once more in December to learn the MYW plans.

The only benefit I get? She will go in early to work and make my PS for me at the start of my 90 days for the difficult restaurants like CRT and Fantasmic package. Yay!

I work for an inbound call center that deals with commercial(semi trucks)/leased/ rental vehicles (cars suvs, etc)We are their emergency breakdown service dispatching wreckers etc. We answer for over 3000 companies in the US. You would be surprised how many people dont realize they are calling Indiana when they are in FL and NY lol. I am just greatful they have shipped the centers over to Africa--alot of companies have! I am truly surpirsed Disney hasn't yet.
I'm glad the Disney call centers are still here. I have had problems with call centers in India before. Disney seems more complicated than credit cards. And I like to talk to CMs who are at least a little familiar with Disney (from visiting).
tifandjim said:
Especially Ford and Jaguar customers, who would not be too thrilled that they were talking to a bank, instead of the company that they purchased the car from. Just a little insight into the world of call centers.

Just a note on Jaguar...

I worked in their call center for a long time. I can tell you that when you call Jaguar (at least until 2001 when I left), you were getting a Jaguar employee. There were only 8 of us. Jaguar would never have routed their calls through someone else, period! Sure roadside & catalo requests were through other companies, but never customer assistance.

I am not sure about it now. But Jaguar's customer assistance was located in Mahwah NJ, and like I said there were only 8 of us. So I know we answered every call that people made to customer service.
Funny this comes up. The other day, I called into CRO about my DW's ressies and asked how the weather was in FL. The woman told me she didn't know ... that she was in Kansas! Go figure!
La la la la la la la la la.... I can't hear any of you........ :rotfl2:

My image is that I am talking to someone AT WDW! It just isn't the same thinking that I am talking to someone in Kansas City!

I does show why you get asked different questions when you call in....especially when you are pushing for CRT or something like that..... also show why some folks got the AP rate last week on Tuesday night while others could not.....

Not to long ago I saw an advertisement to work in Disney reservations. It was out of Tampa. So there must be a call center there too.
lovethattink said:
Not to long ago I saw an advertisement to work in Disney reservations. It was out of Tampa. So there must be a call center there too.

There is.
I work at a busy radiology dept. in a hospital. We send our images done on emergency patients during the middle of the night to a radiologist in India. He faxes the report to the ER, or whichever dept. ordered the exam. It really has worked well for us, and the radiologist in India is VERY well educated, and quite good...He graduated from Harvard! Most of the patients are very surprised that they cannot see the rad due to him being across the world!


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