"Interval" timeshares using OUR Villas


Jan 8, 2001
My huband and I are still very new to DVC but we thought this information was important to share!

Yesterday, we went to Atlantic City for a timeshare presentation (hey..they were giving out 4 free air tickets!lol). It was for a resort called the Flagship. We definitely were not interested since we live in NJ, but they kept calling so we made a day out of it. Anyways, this timeshare business was called "Interval" and mainly delt with exchanges. In a nut shell, because this "Flagship" resort was considered a 5-Star, if you owned there, you could exchange anywhere, anytime (we saw the book of hotels from around the world..many we knew and trusted) So, of course as DVC owners, we checked out the Disney hotels. To our surprise, ALL of the Villas were listed. When we inquired, they said you could exchange there and get any size room (since we owned at a 5-Star). We were quite astonished! The price was around $12,900 and that was lifetime...your kids lifetime etc. But when you trade off, you only pay $114 per week...

I just couldn't believe that other people could book the Villas (request a 3 bedroom) anytime they wanted. Like I said, we are fairly new to DVC, but something doesn't sound fair. How can other timeshares take "time" away from the actual DVC owners?

My husband and I left feeling a bit uneasy. If this was true, then Disney is working against us by allowing other timeshares into the properties...for a cheaper price. If anyone that has additional information on this, could you please share? We would like to know the "catch" and then make a few phone calls.

Brian & Melissa (& Morgan too!)
18 days till we go "Home"!:pinkbounc
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I understand it is... other exchanges like Interval can only book their members when a DVC member gives up their points for a likewise exchange. Only then do they become eligible. Disney isn't working against you anymore than you have to try and book your reservations along with other DVC members. Hubby and I go to these timeshare presentations too. We enjoy the freebies like discounted show/ activity tickets etc. You have to keep in mind that ALL these companies enjoy claiming ties to Disney because it makes them more marketable. Now whether they can actual book their owners into DVC properties is all based on supply and demand. DVC has first priority of course. Don't worry!!! You made the BEST decision. ;)

Many timeshare properties use the "you can stay at WDW Resorts" as a closing tool to sell their vacation weeks. The fact is, however, that if they are in the network to trade with Disney, they are subject to availability of course. It sounds good in theory to the prospective buyer, but they may never be able to find the unit and the week available at WDW that they desire. When DVC owners trade out for a week, say to go to Hawaii, that week then gets put into the "pool". It is my understanding that other timeshare owners will not have anywhere close to the choices that DVC members have when booking their vacations. I am not an expert, but that is my understanding of how it works. :D
Brian and Melissa, we have a lot in common. We are also new to DVC (Fedex'ed the paperwork back today!!!). We also went to one of those timeshare presentations, with Interval exchanges. Ours was in Maine, not far from President Bush's (the father) home. We also had the "you can exchange for these hotels", etc. This place was so great that you can exchange your one week for two weeks (yeah right!!!).

Since we were not interested in buying (free lunch, 4 airline tickets - with strings, and a nice day in Maine) we pushed the trading issue. It turns out you can trade but no sooner than 60 days from when you want to go. Since we haven't used the WLV yet that might work, but I would think that the chances of getting what you want on that short notice would be difficult.

Also, we learned that the high success rate of matching your request and the right week was a little liberal. They consider it a success if they get you a room in the same general area, not necessarily your choice of hotel or exact week.

Not sure this makes you feel any better, but we're not expecting Interval to be too successful in trading at WLV.

We hope you enjoy your vacation.

Frank and Kathi
My father owns at Marriott's Manor Club at Ford's Colony in Williamsburg, VA which is the 8th out of the top ten resorts on TUG. (2 of the 8 are BWV and OKW, and there is only one other resort in the USA ahead of it) He tried giving this week up 3 yrs in a row, even willing to take a 1 br against his 2 br and asked for the lowest weeks and still never got in to Boardwalk or OKW. He is also a VERY good negotiator, tried everything so I could stay here before I bought DVC. If some one manges to trade into a WDW DVC resort, they have great luck. On my tour my guide told me how many people request WDW DVC resorts and how many actually get it and if I remember correctly the number was outreagously low, something like 1%???? Anyway, the only way someone can trade into DVC is if a DVC member trades out to an Interval International week.
BWV owner 10-01
BWV 5-01
DCL, BWV 12-01
BWV 5-02
Some timeshare salespeople have been known to... let's say "stretch the truth."

The only way Interval International (II) gets a week at a DVC resort into their system is when a DVC member exchanges into another II-affiliated resort. Let's suppose that I ask DVC Member Services to get me into a 2-bedroom condo at one of the better timeshare resorts on Maui. If such a unit is available (or becomes available in the case of an ongoing search), DVC provides a comparable DVC week to II. The week that DVC provides to II does not have to be the same week of the year that I would be getting in Maui, and it doesn't even have to be at my home DVC resort. (Dean, who posts regularly to this board, has excellent insight into the details of such a transaction; you might want to search for his posts on this subject.)

Most DVC members use their points to stay at DVC resorts. Even when members stay at Disney Collection resorts (including Disney Cruise Line) or Concierge Collection hotels, Disney CRO gets corresponding DVC room nights, not II. So II doesn't get a big supply of DVC weeks.

Meanwhile, vast numbers of II members are planning WDW vacations. Some own prime weeks at 5-star resorts. Some own off-season weeks at lower tier resorts. They get out their II directories and they all decide that they want to exchange into DVC resorts as their first choice. Guess what? Most won't be successful -- even many who own prime weeks at 5-star resorts. What! How could that be? Was the salesman not being truthful?

Some will be successful. They'll pay an extra $95 fee to Disney (in addition to the $114 II fee). And they'll enjoy a 7-night stay at a DVC resort. They may get a studio, 1-bedroom, or 2-bedroom -- but never a Grand Villa. And they probably won't get into DVC during prime seasons. Yes, some of them might have paid only $12,900 for their ownership weeks. Others might have paid over $40,000 for their ownership weeks. It's even possible some only paid $5,000 or less for resale ownership weeks. A factor called "trading power" comes into play here; not surprisingly, owners of prime weeks at high-demand resorts are the most successful at exchanging into other high-demand resorts, such as DVC. But another factor is luck.

Don't feel too sorry for the other timeshare owners. Most will wind up at very nice off-site timeshares, many of which are only a few miles from WDW. You see, the Orlando area has huge number of timeshare resorts, and there's an oversupply of deposits into II, because many of those Orlando area timeshare owners are exchanging into other II-affiliated resorts.

No, Disney is not working against us -- even in the rare case that someone with a cheaper timeshare is lucky enough to exchange into a DVC resort.
The meat of your concern has been answered, namely that you have be had by a timeshare presentation. Don't worry, you're not the first nor will you be the last. It even happens at DVC sales pitches. Things like there will be a replacement for the ticket program, pool hopping and the like. Also, DVC does not give the 3 BR units to II nor will they give the premier weeks; it just doesn't happen.

the upside is, since a DVC timeshare is SOOOO desireable as an II excahnge, you have a better chance of getting what you want on those rare occassions when you want to trade out.
Very interesting we have been thinking about trading with someone but were usure of all the options and the great bargining power we have. Take Care, Tammy
Thank you for all the great comments! We sure do have a better idea of how it all works. Yes, as someone commented, we were "duped". Thank goodness we were not there to buy. There were people buying left and right! It just goes to show us how lucky we are to have bought into DVC! We haven't taken our "official" trip home yet (only 18 more days!) but we know we made the right choice! Now all we have to do is buy more points when we get there! ;-)

Thanks again for all your insight!
Brian, Melissa & Morgan
We all buy more points when we get there!!! (ugh.. did I say that???)
I am a TUG member and the information on their boards appear to indicate trading into Disney is not easy, although desirable. I would be comfortable your interest are protected. It is easier to trade out than in. Enjoy!;)
Those "free" airline tickets are not free. You have to book a predetermined length of stay at one of several preselected resorts and pay RACK rate for that stay. If you were to book directly at the same resort-even without special discounts or coupons- the difference between that price and RACK equals ?????? you guessed it,what the price of buying your own airline tickets would be. The "free" ticket program is extremely popular by all time share resorts because it doesn't cost them anything. "Vacation Ventures" handles all the details. As for Interval using our resorts,who'se do you think we use when we trade out ? All timeshare companies brag about the choices you have,but if we don't trade out,they don't have access in.
I previously owned a Marriott week and tried to exchange into DVC each year. I was NEVER successful. DVC members deposit a very low number of weeks compared to outside requests. You all LOVE to use your timeshare, so trading is nearly impossible. There certainly are some successful trades, but usually into OKW during non-peak times. Even then, it will take a VERY strong trader and a lot of luck. The rule on TUG is that if you really want to stay at DVC, you need to buy DVC. If you don't mind staying at a very nice timeshare anywhere from two to fifteen miles away, you can trade in cheap. So don't worry about your DVC ownership. It is one of the only timeshares in the world where you can buy from the developer and not lose money!


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