'It's a bit hot, isn't it' Day 3


Earning My Ears
Apr 14, 2009
Saturday 15th August

Managed to get everyone up early again for our 7.30 breakfast slot despite a few groans. I opened the curtains to brilliant blue skies again.

Everyone was a bit quicker eating their breakfast this morning, I think they had realised that actually all they wanted was cereal where the mrning befor they had been determined to try everything.

We made it to the park for about 8.20 and headed straight for Buzz. Me and DP took the kids on this while FF went on Space mountain. I was much better at it this time (helps to have the gun the right way round!). FF then took the kids back on Buzz while me and DP went on SM, as they were both walk on and we though we should take advantage of this.

I have been on a lot rollercoasters, including all he ones at Thorpe Park a few weeks ago and I did not enjoy SM at all. I had taken on board the warnings of holding your head still so it doesn't get bashed around, but the second it shot forward I got the most intense headache in the front of my head that was to last a good few hours.:sad2:

Anyway we met back up with FF and headed off to Peter Pan. Last time we went DD and DS1 hated this as it was too dark, this time they loved it and as they managed to have their eyes open fully appreciated the whole flying thing. We then had a the Carousel as it was walk on and I would rather get this done without having to queue for it.

EMH came to an end and the park began to fill up. As it was Assumption Day in France (a national holiday) we were aware that it would be one of the busiest days of the year. We decided or best bet was to spend the day in the Studios as it may be less busy and there are more attractons and shows that take a long time therefore less time spent in queues.

So we got to the studios just after 10. We went straight to Crush but the queue was showing 2 hours (and stayed that way all day!) There was no way any of us were willing to queue in that heat for that long, and as the kids weren't going to go on it, it would mean someone would have to send 2 hours on their own with the kids. Why no fast pass, thats what I want to know! We then walked past Cars which was showing 70 mins and only half the cars were working:confused: so we gave that a miss as well. As we walked past toon Studios, Remy and Buzz appeared so the kids managed to met them without much queue, which was great as DS2 is a huge Buzz fan and had to tell buzz how he had been shooting Zurg on the Buzz ride:rotfl:



DPs favourite ride is Studio Tram Tours so he insisted we queue for this for the 60 mins it was showing. I wouldn't normally mind but it was getting very hot and the kids very grumpy towards the end of the hour. I was a bit disheartening that on each of the tour buses at least 2 carriages were out of action. I know things sometimes break down but that meant about 70 people less could get on the 3 trams that were running. This was seriously adding to the queues surely. The ride was good though and was another one that the two older kids had found a bit scary last time, but this time quite enjoyed.

By the time we got off the Tram Tours it was VERY hot. We decided ice lollies were needed. Big mistake. Not only did they begin to melt within seconds, but we also appeared to attract every wasp in the Studios. This meant DS1 was running round flapping like a headless chicken and then floods of tears from DS2 when we decided the only thing we could do was throw the ice lollies in the bin. (and from DP who had 15 euros for them!)

It was now to hot to be outside so we headed for the english showing of Disney Playhouse which is great if you are under 6. DD and DS2 loved dancing and trying to catch the bubbles and leaves that fall from the ceiling. It is also great to sit down and get out the sun. We then went straight into Stitch Live which DS1 thought was hilarious and said was the funniest thing he saw all weekend.

FF had gone off to do some bigger rides while we were watching the shows and managed to get in Rockin' Roller Coaster and Armogedon, which I'm sure he appreciated more than he would have playhouse Disney.

By now we had all just about had enough sun and were getting hungry so all headed back to the hotel, picking up Mcdonalds on the way. DD was very upset to discover two dead mice right outside the side door to the hotel and we had to persude her thay were asleep:sad2: However spirits were lifted by the air condtioning in our room where everyone polished off their Mcdonalds in record time. I then gave all the kids a quick bath and persuaded them to have a sleep while DP and FF went off to Auchen (after informing the concierge of the dead mice). I'm not really sure why they went, but they detirmined to go and they did bring back loads of cheap juice. They did say that they found the whole trip very difficult though as they speak no French what so ever between them!

When they got back we packed a bit for our departure the next day and headed down for our dinner in Beavers Creek Tavern. This was a really good buffet with loads of choice and the dessert buffet was excellent. The CM serving our table was great. We asked for ice in our drinks and he bought us a huge bucket of ice. He then sat down with DS2 while we were finishing our meals and did the free gift puzzle that kids get with him. I think eating around 6pm every evening was definatly a good idea as it was always really empty and relaxed, where as last time we went we ate about 8 and it was all a bit manic.

After dinner we headed back to the park, arriving about 7.30. We were planning on exploring the Swiss Family Treehouse, but it was closed. So we headed over to Frontierland to have a go on Thunder Mesa Riverboat, but it was also closed. We then walked to Fantasyland to do Alices Labyrinth, but again it was closed. I could understand if it was getting dark but it wassn't and the park was still heaving. We then discovered Snow White, Pinocchio Casey Jr and it's neighbouring boat ride was also closed. This was about 8.30, the park is suppose to be open untill 11pm. We went on IASW again as it was the only thing we could find open without a huge queue (thats what hapens when the majority of rides close!) Then went ride Star Tours, which had a sign saying it was closing at 9 and the CM wouldn't let us on!

I was beginning to loose my Disney spirit slightly then Stitch' Dance Show thingy turned up. It was fantastic. To fully appreciate it you have to e totally willing to join in and look silly but if you do it's great fun. We took our places on our coloured spots behind a group of French 20something year old men. They joined in so well and were so into it that DP though they must be employed to get the crowd going, until I pointed out their cringing girlfriends behind use:rotfl2:


It was really good though and even DS1 joined in and have fun and it really isn't his kind of thing and as there appeared to be little else for kids to do after 8pm other than POTC and IASW or wait for hours for fantillusion, I would definatly recommend it.

We took a slow walk back to the hotel as we wanted to be up early for our last day. We stopped at the Disney Shop in the village so the kids could spend the last of their spending money, then went back to our rooms and packed ready to drop our bags off before breakfast the next morning.
It certainly sounds as though you made the most of a very busy day in the Parks.

Shame about the ice-lollies.....and the €15! :eek:
You certainly managed to get a lot done for a busy day like that!

I have to disagree regarding the Stitch show but I can see the appeal for young children :thumbsup2


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