It's been a while since I updated you


<font color=navy>Can speak and read 4 languages fl
Feb 29, 2000
Sonya had her surgery to remove the tumor , it was succesfully removed with a very good response to the treatment. She resumed physical therapy to get used to the new knee , not easy but she has made tremendous improvement and although she cannot bear any weight on that leg yet , her range of motion is really really good.
She started back on chemo a week and a half ago and we have had to visit the ER a couple of times , once for severe anxiety and another for low potasium. We are in the ER in philly now and she is being admited for extremely low magnesium along with low platelets and blood count , she will be "refilled" and hopefully in a couple of days we will be going home.
We are just going along with the chemo , it's hard but we are getting there.
Just figured you would like to know.
Thanks for letting us know Olga. I think of Sonya often, and I'm keeping her in my prayers. :grouphug:


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