Kali River Rapids


<font color=red>It's Monday and my mind was somewh
Jun 2, 2002
Are there any drops on Kali River Rapids? If there are, how big are they? I've never been and a coworker asked me about the ride the other day. The only thing I could tell me was to bring a change of clothes and leave it in a locker *lol*

TIA :p
Theres no real drops, it's like a whitewater ride. You may drop a foot or two, but nothing major. You will get wet though, possibly soaked, so be prepared.
I got totally drenched on this ride this year.

On previous trips only got damp......I don't know if there's a seat to avoid??

There is a small drop ....nothing like splash mountain though.

Take a change of clothes 'just in case'


No Drops, But there is a waterfall! If you are lucky enough to get stuck under the waterfall you will be VERY wet.

No drops even as big as Pirates in MK.

Some people wear a poncho but it doesn't help unless you sit on it and it covers you top and bottom.
LOL tampa how right you are.....all I can see as you said this is someone wrapped in a poncho head to toe to stay dry. We went on this ride 4 times in a row several years ago and the other people we were with all kept getting soaked.....I lucked out only a little damp.....I don't think it was the seat jsut the way the "boat" turns or something!
One thing to keep in mind about the short drop, whoever is sitting in the seats that have them going backwards down the drop WILL get completely soaked. I've never seen any relation between initial position in the raft when loading and the position one has going into the drop.

Bill From PA
Thanks for the help everyone! I'll tell my friend not to worry :p It doesn't sound like the drop will be bigger than the one at POTC. I will have to tell him to bring a poncho (or some other rain gear) too but it doesn't sound like it's going to help much *lol* :p
There are no real drops but you will go up a hill in the beginning. You may get totally soaked but you will have a lot of fun.:smooth:
Originally posted by Bill From PA
One thing to keep in mind about the short drop, whoever is sitting in the seats that have them going backwards down the drop WILL get completely soaked. I've never seen any relation between initial position in the raft when loading and the position one has going into the drop.

Bill From PA

I found that to be true also. One thing I have noticed also is that the "child" seat on the raft always seems to end up going backwards.
Originally posted by jwsqrdplus2
I found that to be true also. One thing I have noticed also is that the "child" seat on the raft always seems to end up going backwards.

Which is the child seat? All I know is that whichever seat I was in on all 3 trips on the Rapids this year was the one that went backwards down the little drop and got soaked - whichever family member sat with me was doomed!;) We didn't mind too much, however, as it was 90+ in the beginning of June and we were more than ready to cool off! Enjoy the ride-

This summer (mid Aug.) we all got very wet. Much more so then on previous trips. Were told by CM that due to heavy rain fall during the time we were their.People were getting wetter then she ever remebered.


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