Lap top advantage!


<font color=blue>Stands up in the Spider-Man ride
Dec 12, 1999
Okay since Robinrs won't be on the boards until at least Tuesday I guess I have an advantage!! LOL
Had a wonderful day today with her & her son Micheal,what nice people, but still don't believe her!
Don't believe her when she says that she is tall. She lives in the land of the Munchkins, where she is the tallest person there. She needs silts to be taller than me and MIB9etc. :)
when she said she was 5 foot nothing she was streching it by about 1 inch.

she is however a fiesty munchkin, and bossy:D
Originally posted by MIB999999
when she said she was 5 foot nothing she was streching it by about 1 inch.
she is however a fiesty munchkin, and bossy:D

LOL! When she described herself to me before I met her I figured I'd have no poblem picking them out of a crowd! I was right, the HRH lobby was packed & I immediately found her.
And geez she's just a bit possessive of Mr. Spiderman!
i can not wait till she gets back and reads this thread:D :D :D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by MIB999999
i can not wait till she gets back and reads this thread:D :D :D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I know, I have a feeling "paybacks a @&!*%" ;) :D
Originally posted by MIB999999
i can not wait till she gets back and reads this thread:D :D :D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


Bossy, huh??? :mad: Five feet NOTHING, huh???:mad: :mad: LAND OF THE MUNCHKINS....HUH????:mad: :mad: :mad:

<marquee>:o :p :cool:
Take THAT you three! I'll show you short and bossY!!</marquee>

Wait until I tell what happened to CPM on Spiderman!!
Glad to see you home safe Robin! (did ya have to attach a snowplow to your car?)
Now for the big show.... you're not gonna take all this heat quietly, are ya?
What happened with Spidey? Do tell!
Well CPM, you and I will probably be on restrictions for the next few months.

Robinrs, for someone from atlanta via brooklyn we all think you are OK. You passed the moderator MYTHOS test.

Hope your son got over the stomach virus in time to enjoy the trip.
OH NO! She's Baaaaackkkkk!
I thought I had a few more days of dignity!


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