Lime green and ready to go!


Oct 12, 2001
I have got to tell ya'll what I bought and fixed for my trip. Lime green ribbon must be sure can't buy it in Alabama!
(In case you can't tell, my DD is a 4th grader and WE'RE studying extinction in science. I'm loving my "2nd education"!)
Anyway, I went to a Michael's Crafts store in search of a "button" kit. Instead, I found individual clear plastic buttons (2.25" diameter) and you just pop the back off and insert whatever you want. I printed DIS in a large font guessed it...lime green paper! Cut out the circle, inserted it into the button "front", clicked the "back" back on, and abracadabra!...customized "Dis-wear". The buttons cost $1.29 each. Of course, my 9 yr. DD wanted to wear one too, so I bought 4. I fixed 2 for "DIS" and am going to fix 2 for DZ (disney zone) too since I frequent that message board too. Just thought I'd pass along the info! Melanie
Hey, neat idea! I've worn lime green ribbon the last two trips, but never got noticed. I did meet some DISers though on a FW cruise. Enjoy your trip!


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