Lucas movies you would love to see disney remake?


The Lost Caballeros
Feb 9, 2011
with Disney now owning studios like
Jim Henson and Lucas Arts are there any movies you would love to see Disney take a reboot/remake stab at?

The Dark Crystal? / Labrynth? with the new cgi technology and some traditional puppet work?

also with the purchase of Lucas Arts i believe that gives disney rights to

The Secret Of Monkey Island & The Day Of The Tentacle two very good old point and click adventures i played on my pc as a kid?

the monkey island franchise could easily become pirates of the carribbean as the game was heavily influenced by the ride in the first instance!

i could see disney doing a kids cgi show based on it? how cool would that be! set in the pirates franchise

Pirates Of The Carribbean: The Secret Of Monkey Island!

how about Day Of The Tentacle the jokes were made for a PG rated audience and used some history in there it could become a good movie for disney to have a stab at!

any thoughts on this guys?
Interesting idea. I think Disney could try some of the ones you mentioned as second tier inexpensive remakes or TV and then run with it if it takes off.
None. I am not keen on remakes of perfectly good movies.
Forget Disney films. I would appreciate it if Lucas would remake his Star Wars Episode I-III mistakes.


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