Lunch Menu at Discovery Cove?


Proud to be an American
Jan 11, 2001
Can somebody give me a DETAILED list of what was being served for lunch at Discovery Cove?

I keep hearing about this nice lunch but have no idea what they give you to eat.

Details please!! :D
we were there last June 26th (sorry my original reply said January) and the lunch was really good. Your choice of Prime Rib, Chicken, Burgers, Salads, fruit, cake ice cream It was alot of food I do remember that
Right, message must have scrolled off already.

Here's a link to my trip report with pictures.

And here is what I said they have.

Time for lunch, we went to the restaurant. It's served cafeteria style, you get a tray and slide it picking up your food along the way. They have many choices to choose from. Chicken pasta, Salmon, chicken fingers, fajitas and a few others. The food is hot, fresh, and tastes great. You also get a salad, desert, and soft drink with your meal. At the end of the line, a girl swipes your id badge and that's how you pay, its included in your visit.

The food is great. I couldn't believe how they could serve fajitas in a cafeteria setting, but they do and it's perfect. They give you the meat on one plate, then another holder has the fajitas and all the stuff that goes with them, amazing.


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