"Magical Gatherings"

Rock'n Robin

Disney Queen
Jan 20, 2000
According to the Passporter newsletter, the focus for the next 15 months is "Magical gatherings"--groups of 8 or more paying (over 3) guests get options of special meals and other things.
It is good for guests booking rooms, even room only--so AP holders are included--but I didn't see any mention of guests booking rooms with DVC points.
Can anyone clarify that? All I've seen is the Passporter letter, but it seems we're left out of this one--and DVCers often take bigger groups.
Robin M.
There was another post a while back that clearly said that "Magical Gatherings" DOES apply to DVC members who use points.

I am a travel agent and I recently received my supply of 2004 brochures and TA guide. I would describe Magical Gatherings as "add on" items that virtually anyone going to WDW can do. They are special meals or events that small groups can do together such as dinner at Epcot and a priority viewing location for IllumiNations. There is a fee for each item. I believe that you can go to www.disneyworld.com and view a preview of Magical Gatherings. Also I believe they are enabling your small group to coordinate your activities on the internet to decide what items you want as part of your Magical Gatherings. It sounds pretty cool but I suspect you will be paying dearly for the experience! I don't see why DVC members could not easily take advantage of the program. There is a minimum of 8 people required to participate in the Magical Gatherings program. Sounds like another reason to take the family to see Mickey!

I'm sorry if I worried anyone, I don't check this board as often as I check some others, and the Passporter board message wasn't very clear. Mea Culpa. Glad it will work for us!
Robin M.
The most recent issue of Vacation Magic also contained a brief article about Magical Gatherings, so they're definitely open to DVC members. As Doug7856 says, sounds like they're telling us that we don't need to book a convention in order to create our own special events for our own special groups. I too suspect that we'll pay well for it, but for a special family reunion, etc., it might be worth it.
I am the one who posted about it. I have been told by several different sources that DVC members ARE eligible when meeting the requirements of 8 or more persons in the same group, all staying at a Disney World Resort.

Jackie Leuders confirmed it for me and I have since talked with 2 separate CMs in the Grand Gatherings division about this. The first one actually put me on hold to get the supervisor and came back with a firm YES that DVC is included.

So, long story short, we are eligible! I am taking advantage of some of the events and am eagerly awaiting the online planning tool to see if it's worth my using.
I hate to sound cynical here, but I guess this will. I'm just not that excited about the "magical gatherings" - or maybe I'm just disappointed with what it has turned out to be. Frankly, it doesn't seem anything more than re-labeling things that people could ALWAYS do if they wanted to pay for it, by booking it through group sales - things like fireworks viewing deserts, fireworks cruises, character breakfasts. Besides putting a label on it, I'm not sure what the big deal is - you could always do this. Heck, if you wanted to spend the money you could rent out an attraction or even a park. Big deal. Of course you could buy it if you are staying with dvc - all you need is 8 people and take your money and buy the stuff. Big deal. You could always get a group or people together and pay enough money and have Mickey himself come over and hang out. So this doesn't seem that neat to me, and I don't see any reason that dvc members wouldn't be able to take advantage - of course they would. It isn't like a discount or something, heck I don't even see why you would have to be a resort guest at all. I guess i was hoping for a promotion that would have a discount, rather than a promotion just wanting you to spend more. We had about 25-something people there when we had our wedding a few years ago, and so we may have more experience in going through the group sales people than other folks have? Like getting meals and restaurants and stuff. By surendipity, we were planning on bringing about 25 family members with one branch of our famiy tree to BCV next fall, so at first I was really curious about what this would be, but it doesn't seem like anything more than a gimmick to me. How about giving people in large groups a 10% discount on tickets or something, or letting them buy 3 day hoppers or something like you can with a wedding group or convention group. I think this is sizzle and no steak, imho, a gimmick. Just my opinion, and I hate to sound negative if other folks are excited. I just don't get it I guess. I mean isn't "the grand gatherings" division is just the same old "group sales" division they've always had? I guess the "on-line planning" tool is something new, I wonder if that will be much more than a way to send out group e-mails.
But you could always book things through group bookings for parties of 8 or more, so that was like a "concierge" - somebody you called on the phone and set stuff up with - 8 was always the number for going to group sales for special events, group dining, whatever - sorry, I just don't get it. Again, maybe that internet thing will be something to help. Or maybe just putting the information out there for people to see it, and making some "packages" of easily offered things (breakfasts, fireworks deserts or cruises) will help people.

You couldn't book dessert parties or special dinners like this unless you had a minimum amount, something like $500. When you think about the cheapest Illuminations Dessert Party, that takes 20 people minimum. Most families travelling together won't make that quota.

I think we all have to realize that this is a first step into this kind of marketing. Some people will like it; some won't. I think, if necessary, we'll see changes to the events to meet the needs of the people wanting to use them.

I for one will reserve complete judgment until I receive the planning kit because I am interested in some of these events for what will most likely be a once in a lifetime get together for both sides of my family. This is all about memory making and they have made it easier for smaller groups to enjoy the perks that until now were reserved for larger ones.
I have to admit that my reaction, thus far, has been much like Michelle's. "Thanks, but no thanks." We usually have a group of eight or more when we go, and I was really hoping for something 'special'. This just isn't it.

I thought they would either offer the larger groups some sort of discount or they would make their experience extra special by making it more personal or adding something to it for the same price -- one or the other. But, for the most part, what they're offering is the same old same old. They're just combining parties (of 8 or more) into one larger event. For example, the breakfast with characters in the Magic Kingdom is a buffet at Tony's with other groups who sign up for the same thing. The fireworks cruise is another good example. Yes, they've added Hook and one other character, but they've more than doubled the price.

Perhaps I'll change my mind when more details are available, but from everything I've seen so far -- and I've been looking; we're going in December -- it looks like they've just re-packaged what they were already doing, slapped a new name on it, and upped the prices.


55 days and counting . . . again!
i recently went with a large group of family and friends 40 plus people in the group , we got the Beach Club hotel for $190.00 per night plus tax and were offered convention rates for the parks... it was a nice savings make sure you assk for it at hotel checkin ...also we did the fireworks with a 2 hour open bar and soon light snacks... a great way to have the whole group together well worth the price a..and it was enjoyed by all, a great time ...

i took the 4 day park hopper plus pass cost was less than $200 with tax
Add me to the list of those that was under impressed with the "Magical Gatherings"....


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