'Member me?!?


<font color=0000CC>want attention, <b>NOT</b> your
Sep 10, 2000
HI...!!! :earsgirl:

I kno its been 4eva since Ive posted here...I wanted 2 c who all is still here & how every1 is doin'...!!! Im still workin' @ SeaWorld...@ Kraken now...!!!

Drop me an email or a pm...havent been on the 'puter much l8ly...

Take care...maybe I'll hear from sum1 soon...lol!!!

Amber princess:
Hi Amber - remember you well...not too many of the original group post much anymore, but you will see them on occasionally. Hope all is well. Caroline :flower:
Hi AMber,

I haven't been postin much either. I lurk alot to keep up with everyone. But like Caroline said, most just don't post much anymore.

For me, life has been busy. I think ever since my dad passed away, it's been a little nutty. My mom and I have come to terms a bit better. But she still keeps me on my toes. I had to keep telling myself yesterday when I took her to get her hair done and to the grocery, "Yes, I am an adult, Yes, I am an adult". It is hard. She is 81 and just so set in her ways. Her health is not so great, and she is just too stubborn. I'm hangin in there.

Fred & I are doin great!! He got a new job a little over a month ago. Sad thing is we lost all his vacation time (4 weeks). We miss that the most, LOL!
SO we sneak a wekend here and there now. We will be at the "World" for our 21st Anniversary The weekend of July 29th. We are staying "on property" for the first time at Port Orleans Riverside. I am so excited.

Then we go to the Precious Moments event for my Birthday weekend. I'm so looking forward to that. SO maybe we'll catch some of the "gang" while we're there. Hope so!! Haven't decided yet about sept pin event. It is the weekend after Precious Moments event. Not sure if I can do both. We'll see. I went last year right after Hurricane Francis. And I was so depressed and felt out of place. I kept feeling like I needed to be home. It was not my best time. But anyway, we'll see.

Hope all is well with you and your mom. Hope all is well with all our pin friends. I miss the old times and craziness. I look a bit different as well, I've dropped right at 40 pounds since last year. Feels great!! I only have another 60 to go!!

Wish me luck!!!

Hi Caroline...
Hi Winnie...!!!

Winnie...thats great...u lost 40 pounds...Im so proud...!!! Psst...fill me n on the secret so I can do it 2...!!! ;)

I hope all is well w|the 'gang'...dont hear from any1 anymore...if u guys r out there, HI...!!!

Gota run, gota get ready 4 work...

Amber princess:
Hi Amber,

The secret in 3 words,

Jenny Craig..... Curves!!!

Haven't been able to do curves as much since I've been workin more at church. But I try to get in at least 2-3 times a week.

As far as the "gang" goes, I really miss everyone. They helped get me through some tough times, especially Michelle as she has been through much of the same with her dad. She is just such an ecouragement there.

I miss Ed's craziness, Donna's encouragemnt as well, Dana's craziness and funness as well as the care taker of us all who has one of the most generous hearts, Micheal the "rock", he is so together, Manny the nut with Ed. Get the 2 of them together and look out!! June, she is just plain wonderful, and Bob who is a great hugger, and a nice buddy to my hubby Fred. Fred always enjoys chatting with him. And then you and your mom, You are both so nice and friendly always. And then there is Halland, he is just such a great friend to so many. I'll never forget the second time I saw him, and he remembered my name. I was just so amazed and impressed, and he has such a generous and giving spirit. I miss you all so much!!!! I think the last time I was with all of them was our anniversary last year. My word, that was almost a year ago!! My goodness!!!

Wow! How time does fly. I hope to see some of these dear friends soon. I think it's time for a reunion y'all!!!!

Love, {{HUGS}} and blessings,

Hi Amber.... Nice to hear from you again....


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