Mental illness


Feb 14, 2013
Anyone else suffer from mental illness? I unfortunately seem to be slipping back into depression and I'm hoping I won't need to have my antidepressants upped or be put back on antipsychotics. Hopefully I'll be doing okay by the time the disney trip rolls around- thoughts of suicide and general hopelessness are going to make a very miserable trip!

Anyone got tips on just staying positive when things aren't good? My cousin will have been dead 11 years next month, she died (too young) from cancer. Starting to get very upset about it all again. Also just found out a girl I went to high school with (I left my high school 3 years ago) died two days ago from breast cancer. She'd just had her 18th birthday two days before her death, which is awful. Her funeral is in a few days but I won't be able to attend as I moved out of the area. Also received lots of nasty comments from my old bullies saying I shouldn't be allowed to post a goodbye message on her Facebook page and that I wouldn't be welcome at the memorial. I think it's sad and pathetic these girls still feel the need to make horrible comments to people.

Sorry about the random post- I guess it's all getting a bit much, and disney is the only thing that seems to cheer me up. I find these boards a really good distraction when things get bad.

I truly hope things get better for you all, whatever it is you're struggling with. I hope you are all sprinkled with pixie dust and that good things happen to you all.

Love and hugs,
When I start to feel too sad, I either ...
1. Make a trip or start planning one to Disney
2. Watch some rides at Disneyon YouTube
3. Listen to park sounds, attractions on

:) hope this helps!
Becca, I am sorry for all your losses. That bullying part is so infuriating :furious:....I hope they grow up, and please know you are way ahead of them in your mind and in your heart.:hug:

I don't suffer, but do have a Mother who suffers greatly.. You are in my thoughts and prayers.:hug:

Don't ever be sorry.. This is a great board in it's name, Coping and Compassion. No matter how small or how large, we come together to be there for each other..
Anyone else suffer from mental illness? I unfortunately seem to be slipping back into depression and I'm hoping I won't need to have my antidepressants upped or be put back on antipsychotics. Hopefully I'll be doing okay by the time the disney trip rolls around- thoughts of suicide and general hopelessness are going to make a very miserable trip!

Anyone got tips on just staying positive when things aren't good? My cousin will have been dead 11 years next month, she died (too young) from cancer. Starting to get very upset about it all again. Also just found out a girl I went to high school with (I left my high school 3 years ago) died two days ago from breast cancer. She'd just had her 18th birthday two days before her death, which is awful. Her funeral is in a few days but I won't be able to attend as I moved out of the area. Also received lots of nasty comments from my old bullies saying I shouldn't be allowed to post a goodbye message on her Facebook page and that I wouldn't be welcome at the memorial. I think it's sad and pathetic these girls still feel the need to make horrible comments to people.

Sorry about the random post- I guess it's all getting a bit much, and disney is the only thing that seems to cheer me up. I find these boards a really good distraction when things get bad.

I truly hope things get better for you all, whatever it is you're struggling with. I hope you are all sprinkled with pixie dust and that good things happen to you all.

Love and hugs,

Yes, mental illness runs in my family and I struggle with depression. It's amazing how some days it can really weigh me down. And then other days it's no so bad. My therapist told me to always keep busy, especially when I feel depression coming on. Doesn't matter what it is. Reading a book, listening to music, or going out for a walk. Keeping busy with activities helps keep my depression at bay. The second that I'm not doing anything, and I have time to get lost in my thoughts, well that's when the depression tends to take over.

I'll be completely honest, some days it's really hard. When deep depression takes over, it's hard to be in the mood to do anything at all. But my therapist told to me 'force' activities no matter how bad I felt.

So far it's not too bad. I do take Xanax for anxiety, but I've been off antidepressant meds for over a year now.

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
I agree with keeping active. Are you able to take walks or exercise daily? I haven't been diagnosed with depression but do just feel down sometimes. I know my mood is much happier when I'm active. It's hard to initially motivate myself, but once I do, I feel so much better about myself and life in general.
I'm so sorry to hear of your struggle. My family has a long history of depression (my mother, grandfather, two uncles, sister, and brother all suffer from depression and anxiety) and even I take anti-anxiety medication for panic attacks though I do not take anti-depressants. The important thing is to keep active and to keep occupied. The more time you give yourself to dwell, the more difficult it will be to work through your depression. I find that being outside helps me a great deal. Most of my panic attacks happen when I am in the office or in my house so for me, being outside gardening, taking a walk, playing with the dog, reading a book, etc. really helps me to feel calm. :)
Anyone else suffer from mental illness? I unfortunately seem to be slipping back into depression and I'm hoping I won't need to have my antidepressants upped or be put back on antipsychotics. Hopefully I'll be doing okay by the time the disney trip rolls around- thoughts of suicide and general hopelessness are going to make a very miserable trip!

Anyone got tips on just staying positive when things aren't good? My cousin will have been dead 11 years next month, she died (too young) from cancer. Starting to get very upset about it all again. Also just found out a girl I went to high school with (I left my high school 3 years ago) died two days ago from breast cancer. She'd just had her 18th birthday two days before her death, which is awful. Her funeral is in a few days but I won't be able to attend as I moved out of the area. Also received lots of nasty comments from my old bullies saying I shouldn't be allowed to post a goodbye message on her Facebook page and that I wouldn't be welcome at the memorial. I think it's sad and pathetic these girls still feel the need to make horrible comments to people.

Sorry about the random post- I guess it's all getting a bit much, and disney is the only thing that seems to cheer me up. I find these boards a really good distraction when things get bad.

I truly hope things get better for you all, whatever it is you're struggling with. I hope you are all sprinkled with pixie dust and that good things happen to you all.

Love and hugs,

Hi Becca,

Just wanted to give you some support I also suffer from anxiety and depression. Disney often is the thing that keeps me going. First off as hard is it may seem try not to let other people and hurt from the past get you down. Always remember when you are having a bad day a brighter one is around the corner. And even though fighting the illness can sometimes be hard, remember you are worth it! ::yes::
Hi there :) I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder in 2008, but have always had issues with depression/anxiety since I was 15. When I feel down, I like to take a walk or exercise in some way. It is amazing the effect your natural endorphins can have on your mood. It may be hard to get motivated but if you do it, you will feel better. I also try to stay focused on positive things, like Disney for instance. Hope this helps. -Amanda
Hi! I'm sorry you are going through all of this. I have been dealing with bipolar depression for 12 years now. I take meds for it and it helps most of the time but sometimes i get hit with a brick and feel so had and helpless. I have a great therapist who helps me and two things I do that she suggested is listen to the music that makes me happy, and also doing an art journal. i write, i paint, i rip, i cry, i write anything even if it's just song lyrics. It helps me a LOT.
take care friend. i'm thinking of you.


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