Modifying ADRs 20 Days Out?


Bill From PA
Jan 21, 2009
We've got a number of ressies for our Oct. 14 - 20 trip, specifically Teppan Edo, Raglan Road, Ohana and Le Cellier, for the two of us. Now, our nephew, his wife and 6 yr old daughter might be able to meet us for dinner. What's the chances that we can make a party of 2 into a party of 5 on an existing ressie? I'm not above rolling up to the desk with the 5 of us and saying 'There must have been some mistake, I intended to make it a party of 5', spare the flames, I would take the blame for the 'mistake'. TIA for any thoughts on this.

Bill From PA
Out of courtesy, I would do it now. It is much easier to accomodate a few extra people before they arrive, then after. Even though they tell you that it may be okay, it creates alot of havoc back in the restaurant.

I eat out a great deal, so I have seen what going from a 2-top to a 6-top can do to a staff. They can tell you that you will have to wait for an available table or they can try and move stuff around. It is solely up to them. You are at their mercy.
Thanks for the replies. I sent our ADRs to my nephew this morning and if they can make one of them, I'll call. They're coming for sure on one of our 6 days and we'll be spending every afternoon/evening in WS for F&W anyway so if we can't get the headcount increased over the phone, we'll just have to take our chances showing up with 5 at our appointed time. If we get shut out then, there's always the ESPN Club and Big River.
I'm not above rolling up to the desk with the 5 of us and saying 'There must have been some mistake, I intended to make it a party of 5', spare the flames, I would take the blame for the 'mistake'. TIA for any thoughts on this.

Bill From PA

No flames, but I really do hope you are joking. To put the CM on the spot like that would be completely unfair when you were the one in the wrong. Not only that, but if you do not have any record of actually having an ADR for that many people and the restaurant is booked solid they are not going to seat you, no matter how big a fuss you make. Do you really want to cause all of that stress (for the CM, yourself and your family members) at each place you want to eat?

My suggestion would be to try to modify your ADRs now. If you cannot do it then I'd suggest making the choice between dining with your family or dining at the places you currently have ADRs. If you would rather dine with your extra family members then I'd make ADRs for wherever I could get them so you at least have something booked. Then keep trying for the ones you really want. If you don't end up getting them then just go with the ones you do have.

Good luck.
Bill, I think it's likely that you'll have to either go without them or let Le Cellier go. Probably Ohana too. Sorry about that but it's just so popular that the odds you will get a new reservation for 5 are very low. But check and check again, phone and online.

Teppan Edo might be able to do something but with their tables set for 8 you'd have to luck out with that one. The good news is it's not screamingly popular.

Try for Raglan Road. You don't have to use Disney Dining to make reservations there.

If they don't have room for 5 people I am pretty sure that telling them there was a mistake will probably not automatically open a place for 5 people.
We went through this recently except in reverse. What I found was that we could reduce the number dining without a problem, but not raise. I will say, however, that we leave in 10 days and I have had success (largely thanks to online reservations b/c they take less time than the phone IMO) with getting reservations particularly at around 7 am and 4pm Eastern time. Hope that helps!


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