My 6yo Ds on Autistic Spectrum took off on Main Street last night!


DIS Veteran
May 13, 2005
Just got home from what was a fantastic a 9 day trip to WDW until last night. My 6yo DS with no sense of fear, safety, or his own body got away from my DH while standing at a jewelery counter on Main Street. He darted out of the store in a split second. It was dark, the crowd was building up for the fireworks. I ran in the direction he had run in, screaming out his name. Turns out he had darted in the opposite direction. My Dh caught him out of the corner of his eye, he was already across the street, running toward the castle. When I asked him where he was going, he mattter of factly told me he was going to see the fireworks (We had watched them 2 nights earlier from the same location)

I literally fell to my knees on the sidewalk, holding him and crying. I've been carrying a pit around in my stomach since it happened. Of course a million horrible scenarios run through my mind.

Michael's getting bigger now, he knows how to escape from stroller straps, I just want to keep him safe. He loves to run, and thinks its a game. Even when we found him, and tried to explain to him and he saw that we were upset and that I was crying, he didn't get it. :sad2:

When he was younger we used a harness, but like I said, he's getting older, and bigger. I don't want other kids staring at the 12 year old in the harness. You know? :confused3

I'm worried about planning another trip, which is a shame, because Michael makes major progress at wdw. On this trip, he let us know he had to poop on the potty for the first time in a public setting. :cool1:
That is so scary. I'm glad it had a good outcome and you found him.

My DD got away from me once in Target and it was the scariest 5-10 minutes of my life until we found her. So, I understand how you feel (although my DD is slower, being in a wheelchair).
You know, I have had this problem with my son Charlie. We got him an ion-kids set and our lives are much better now. There are less escape attempts because he knows his boundries better. You might want to check it out. It could save your sanity.

cabowser said:
You know, I have had this problem with my son Charlie. We got him an ion-kids set and our lives are much better now. There are less escape attempts because he knows his boundries better. You might want to check it out. It could save your sanity.

Very good suggestion.
We've had threads where people mentioned different types of those devices before.
There was even an episode of the TV show called "Without a Trace" that featured one of the tracking devices.
Ohhh Man do I know how you feel. Although that has not happened lately when my DS was about 7 He bolted from the exit of Star Tours and I ran but I have fibromylagia and it is not a pleasant experience to run. He was gone for 20 Minutes and I had security and all the star trader people looking for him. It was the worst feeling in my life. I thought I was the worst step parent in the world how could I loose him?
After that I had him on a leash until he was about 9 then I took it off and he is pretty good about staying next to me. He also never had a problem with going in a stroller until about 2 years ago so he was mostly in a Disney stroller which helped. I was lucky he liked the stroller it made him feel more safe I think.
We have had so many blessing with him this year. It is like a maturity Pixie came to our house and dropped some maturity dust on him. The difference between this year and last year are amazing. You would not even think it was the same kid! He will be 14 in may.
I am so glad you were able find your son quickly. My husband and I worry about the same thing happening with our son. I doesn't matter how vigilant you are, kids are quick and unfortunately ours do not understand fear. :grouphug:
It is so scary to go through something like that. Thank God it came out OK ,but I imagine it will keep you up at night for a long time to come.


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