My cousin is walking!


Disney Movie Buff and Future Special Education Tea
Aug 11, 2004
My little cousin has, after 6 years, started to walk on his own. It's only a few steps at a time, but he crossed their living room for the first time alone this morning. So far today, he's done it at least three times. Normally he's scoot over on his behind, or put his hand up for you to hold while he walked. But my aunt told him to bring her his shoes, knowing he wouldn't answer since he can't talk or walk. And as she turned to reach for him, he pulled himself up and walked over to her! She clapped and hugged him, and then his 2 year old brother grabbed the other shoe and brought it to her because he wanted to be hugged and clapped for too.
But I'm so excited! He has Down Syndrome and Autism, so they weren't sure if he would ever speak or walk. He started in a new classroom at the start of 2006 and we're all thinking that maybe this class is finally making a difference. I can't wait to go up next weekend and see him. He's the reason I'm in school to be a special education teacher.

Just had to share!!
:mickeyjum :donald: :ccat: :tigger: :sulley: :hmghost: :maleficen :goofy: :stitch: :simba: :figment: :dumbo: :jumping3: :jumping1: party:
That's pretty cool.
I've heard of that happening before, (it's like they knew how for a while, but just didn't have the incentive or something). Any time it does happen, it seems pretty miraculous.
Woo-hoo! :cool1: Way to go! My son Christian was like this, finally started walking at age 5-1/2. Everyone had always said he'd never walk, talk, feed himself,blah,blah, blah(long list of nevers.) I figure kids like this have nowhere to go but up. Now Christian is doing lots of things, like pottying, wiping the table, clearing his dishes, learning his colors, running and swimming. I hope your cousin goes on to do amazing things too. Never say never! :thumbsup2
That is wonderful!!! I'm sure he'll continue to astound you all!! It is great that your cousin inspired you to take up special ed teaching. We need all the good ones we can get!!!! :cool1:


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