My dog is so strange


<font color=navy>Not afraid of canned biscuits<br>
Aug 18, 1999
how strange is she?

There is one spot in my yard that she refuses to get close to. It's right smack dab in the middle of my back yard. There is nothing there but grass.
She loves to play fetch, but she won't get it if it's in that spot. She avoids it at all costs.
Nah, oil is not a problem. The only thing I can think of is that there maybe a dead animal under there somewhere that she smells. I haven't dug up that area to find out. :eek:
She loves to play fetch, but she won't get it if it's in that spot. She avoids it at all costs.

Hummmmm......they never did find out what happened to Jimmy Hoffer!

:teeth: ;) :p
LOL, let me call Geraldo just in case. I may have my own show soon folks. :teeth:


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