National Days to celebrate - updated now 2024 - May 20-31, June 1-9

Mon Oct 23
Boston Cream Pie Day, iPod Day, Nat’l Canning Day, Slap your Annoying Coworker Day​

Tues Oct 24
Bologna Day, Food Day, United Nations Day, Jamaican Jerk Day​

Wed Oct 25
Greasy Food Day, Sourest Day, National Art Day, World Pasta Day, Punk for a Day, Chucky the Notorious Killer Doll Day​

Thur Oct 26
Mincemeat Day, Pumpkin Day, Chicken Fried Steak Day, Howl at the Moon Day​

Fri Oct 27
American Beer Day, Black Cat Day, National Tell a Story, Boxer Shorts Day, Frankenstein Friday, Breadstick Day, Parmigiano Cheese Day

Sat Oct 28
Chocolate Day (isn’t that everyday), Plush Animal Lovers’ Day, Make a Difference Day​

Sun Oct 29
Cat Day, Hermit Day, National Oatmeal Day, World Stroke Day, National Internet Day​

Mon Oct 30
Candy Corn Day, Speak up for Service, Treat Your Pet Day

Tues Oct 31
Caramel Apple Day, Knock-Knock Jokes Day, Halloween Day, Girl Scout Founder’s Day, Carve a Pumpkin Day, Scare a Friend Day, Magic Day, Doorbell Day​
Mon Oct 23
Boston Cream Pie Day, iPod Day, Nat’l Canning Day, Slap your Annoying Coworker Day
Now I don't want to read about anybody who slapped their coworker tomorrow. Keep it nice at work. I don't have to worry as I am retired so don't have any annoying coworkers. I mean I did have them when I worked and yup I wanted to slap them big time but I held off.
Sorry for the delay but here are the days for the first week and a half of November.

Wed Nov 1
Authors Day, Brush Day, Calzone Day, Cook for your Pets Day, Vinegar Day, National Pomegranate Day, National Cinnamon Day, Scented Candle Day, Eat Smart Day (1st W)​

Thur Nov 2
Deviled Egg Day, Cookie Monster Day, Traffic Professionals Day, 1st Thur Men Make Dinner Day​

Fri Nov 3
Sandwich Day, Cliché Day, Give Someone a Dollar Today, Jersey Friday, Int’l Stout Day​

Sat Nov 4
Candy Day, King Tut Day, Use your Common Sense Day, 1st Sat Days - Wine Tasting Day, Book Lovers Day, Pumpkin Destruction Day (1st Sat after Halloween)​

Sun Nov 5
Doughnut Appreciation Day, Love Your Red Hair, Bonfire Day (Guy Fawkes), Play Outside Day, Book Lovers, American Football Day, Chinese Takeout Day, Daylight Savings Ends​

Mon Nov 6
Bison Day, Nachos Day, Saxophone Day​

Tues Nov 7
Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day, Hug a Bear Day​

Wed Nov 8
Cappuccino, Harvey Wallbanger Day, Cook Something Bold, National Dunce Day​

Thur Nov 9
Chaos Never Dies Night, National Greek Yoghurt Day, Fried Chicken Sandwich Day​

Fri Nov 10
Forget-Me-Not-Day, Vanilla Cupcake Day, Sesame Street Day​

Sat Nov 11
Sundae Day, Remembrance Day/ Veterans Day, World Origami Day, Pocky Day​

Sun Nov 12
Chicken Soup for the Soul Day, French Dip Day, Pizza with the Works no Anchovies Day, Happy Hour Day, Tongue Twister Day (2nd Sun)​
OOOps sorry for the late posting but here are the National days for the week of November 13-19.

Mon Nov 13
World Kindness Day, Start a Rumour Day, Sadie Hawkins Day, National Indian Pudding​

Tues Nov 14
Pickle Day, Spicy Guacamole Day, Family PJ Day, Loosen up, Lighten Up, World Diabetes Day, National Seatbelt Day, National American Teddy Bear Day​

Wed Nov 15
Bundt (Pan) day, Clean Out your Refrigerator, Raisin Bran Cereal Day, Spicy Hermit Cookie Day​

Thur Nov 16
Button Day, Fast Food Day, Have a Party with your Bear, Check your Wipers Day​

Fri Nov 17
Baklava Day, Homemade Bread Day, Take a Hike Day, Electric Greeting Card, National Butter Day​

Sat Nov 18
Mickey & Minnie Mouses Birthday, Princess Day, Vichyssoise Day, Occult Day, National Apple Cider Day, National Push Button Phone Day​

Sun Nov 19
Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine, Play Monopoly Day, Have a Bad Day Day, World Toilet Day, Grey Cup Sunday​
Mon Nov 20
Absurdity Day, Peanut Butter Fudge Day, Beautiful Day, Name Your PC Day, Odd Socks Day​

Tues Nov 21
Stuffing Day, Red Mitten Day (Canada), World Hello Day, National Gingerbread Cookie, Pumpkin Pie Day, Cranberry Day, TV Day​

Wed Nov 22
Cranberry Relish Day, Go for a Ride Day, National JukeBox Day (day b4 thanksgiving)​

Thur Nov 23
Cashew Day, Eat a Cranberry Day, Espresso Day, Turkey-Free Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving​

Fri Nov 24
Sardines Day (ewww), All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day, Celebrate your Unique Talent Day, Black Friday, Friday after Thanksgiving Days - Day of Listening, Flossing Day, You’re Welcomegiving Day, Buy Nothing Day​

Sat Nov 25
Parfait Day, Shopping Reminder Day, National Leftovers Day, Small business Saturday, Eat with a Friend Day​

Sun Nov 26
Cake Day, Second Hand Sunday, Good Grief Day (celebrating Charles Schulz)​
End of the month days. Next up is the last month of the year and then omg 2024. I know don't push it.
I will keep posting the National Days next year.

Mon Nov 27
Bavarian Cream Pie Day, Craft Jerky Day, Pin and Needles Day, Electric Guitar , Cyber Monday

Tues Nov 28
French Toast Day, Red Planet Day, Giving Tuesday, Letter Writing Day, Turkey Leftover Day

Wed Nov 29
Electronic Greetings Day, Square Dance Day, Chia Pet Day, Rice Cake Day, National Chocolates Day

Thur Nov 30
Computer Security Day, Mason Jar Day, Mousse Day, Stay Home Because You are Well Day, Personal Space Day
Final month of 2023. Here are the days for the first week of December.
Fri Dec 1
Day With(out) Art Day, Eat a Red Apple Day, Pie Day, Christmas Lights Day, Faux Fur Friday, Cookie Cutter Day, Fried Pie Day, Peppermint Bark Day​

Sat Dec 2
Fritters Day, Mutt Day, 1st Sat Days - Green Bean Casserole Day, Ear Muff Day, Rhubarb Vodka Day​

Sun Dec 3
Roof Over Your Head Day, Make a Gift, Let’s Hug Day, National Apple Pie Day​

Mon Dec 4
Cookie Day, Dice Day, Sock Day, Wear Brown Shoes Day, Santa’s List Day, Walt Disney Day (1st Mon)​

Tues Dec 5
Bathtub Party Day, Int’l Ninja Day, National Blue Jeans Day, Comfort Food Day​

Wed Dec 6
Gazpacho Day, Microwave Oven Day, Miners’ Day, Pawnbrokers, Mitten Tree Day, Put on your own shoes (whose else am I going to wear), St Nicholas Day​

Thur Dec 7
Cotton Candy Day, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Letter Writing Day​

Fri Dec 8
Brownie Day, Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day, National Christmas Tree Day, Salesperson Day (Music Man anybody – Ya got Trouble ?) (2nd Fri), Crossword Solvers Day​

Sat Dec 9
Pastry Day, Weary Willie Day (honours clowns), Christmas Card Day), Gingerbread Decorating Day (2nd Sat)​

Sun Dec 10
Dewey Decimal System Day, Lager Day, Nobel Prize Day, World Choir (2nd Sun)​
Mon Dec 11
App Day, Noodle Ring Day, Have a Bagel Day, Food Drive for Needy Animals Day​

Tues Dec 12
Ambrosia Day, Ding-a-Ling Day, Gingerbread House Day, Poinsettia Day​

Wed Dec 13
Cocoa Day, Violin Day, Ice Cream Day​

Thur Dec 14
Bouillabaisse Day, Int’l Monkey Day, Roast Chestnuts Day, Biscuits & Gravy Day​

Fri Dec 15
National Cupcake Day, Lemon Cupcake Day, International Tea Day, Cat Herders Day, Wear your pearls day, Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, Underdog Day (both 3rd Friday)​

Sat Dec 16
Barbie & Barney Backlash Day, Chocolate Covered Anything Day, Stupid Toy Day​

Sun Dec 17
Maple Syrup Day, Wright Brothers​
Mon Dec 18
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day (come on telemarketers call me), Bake Cookies Day, I Love Honey Day​

Tues Dec 19
Hard Candy Day, Oatmeal Muffin Day, Look for an Evergreen Day, Holly Day​

Wed Dec 20
Sangria Day, Go Caroling, Games Day​

Thur Dec 21
Flashlight Day, Humbug Day, Winter Solstice, Look on the Bright Side Day, National Don’t make your bed, Short Girl Appreciation Day, Crossword Puzzle Day, Ribbon Candy Day, Regifting Day, Kiwi Fruit Day, Hamburger Day, French Fried Shrimp​

Fri Dec 22
Date Nut Bread Day, Cookie Exchange Day​

Sat Dec 23
Festivus, Pfeffernusse Day, Roots Day, Nat’l Bake Day, Super or Panic Saturday​

Sun Dec 24
Eggnog Day, Christmas Eve, National Chocolate Day, Last Minute Shoppers​
This is my last update of days for 2023. Next time I add more days will be for 2024.
Mon Dec 25
Pumpkin Pie Day, Christmas Day, Kiss The Cook​

Tues Dec 26
Candy Cane Day, Thank You Note Day, Whiner’s Day, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa​

Wed Dec 27
Fruitcake Day (yummo), Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day, Visit the Zoo​

Thur Dec 28
Card Playing Day, Chocolate Candy Day, Luckiest Day of the Year, Call a Friend​

Fri Dec 29
Pepper Pot Day, Tick Tock Day, Still Need to Do Day, No Interruptions Day (last working day of year)​

Sat Dec 30
Bacon Day, Bicarbonate of Soda Day, Falling Needles Family Fest Day​

Sun Dec 31
Make Up Your Mind Day, New Year’s Eve, Unlucky Day, Champagne Day, Universal Hour of Peace Day, Hogmany​
Correction for Friday Dec 29,,,not last working day for some of us,,,,😥. Still working the sat and sunday.
But for the rest of you,,,,enjoy and have a Wonderful New Year.


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