Need Gift Idea For Someone Going To Disney


DIS Veteran
Apr 25, 2000
My parents are going to WDW with us in January. We planned this way back in March or so. So, for all year, they've been asking for money for Disney World. It's great for them, but getting a little old for the gift givers. For Christmas, my kids are going to give them the refillable mugs for the trip. I need some other ideas.

They are very practical people. So, I can't do something silly like the mickey ears. They are not huge disney fans, so I don't think they'd like the behind the scenes stuff.

I am going to try to book a cruise. We are already doing the parasailing. So those two ideas are out. Besides gift certificates or money?
I have a few suggestions for you. How about a spa treatment? I know, I know, My Dad thought I was crazy. Until he had his first massage. After spending a few days in the park a massage is very welcome. You could make a dinner for two reservation, and pay in advance. We did this at Califirnia Grille for my DS and DBIL. I called the restaurant and gave my credit card info. Thye charged my account and called me with the total. California Grille, Shula's. and Artist Pointe come to mind. Assemble a basket (or travel toiletries case)with toiletries, and other necessities for the trip. If none of these work, check out gifts of a lifetime.
They are not huge disney fans, so i don't think they'd like the behind the scenes stuff.

You might be surprised, they just might like Disney a little more if you do a behind the scenes. The Backstage Magic tour is very informative. :) If not how about the Afternoon Tea at the
Grand Floridian?
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce:
What about a camera or disposable cameras and film developing? How about waist packs or tote bag with things like sunscreen, hats or visors, waterbottle, beach towel, etc? How is their luggage? A nice new suitcase might be an idea.
I vote for film.
You could make a "Disney Survival Kit"...using a plastic box, fanny pack or backpack...
antibacterial soap or wipes
park maps if you could get them
restaurant gift certificate
disney dollars

anything they'd need while touring the parks.
Thanks so much for all of your ideas. Here is what we are going to do. This is actually my sister who is buying the gift. We are going to come up with a list of must haves at Disney World. Like a beaver tail, a Dolewhip, and an ice cream sandwich. She is going to somehow make up a gift basket with all of those things, and also make a coupon book. I will be in charge of paying for the stuff while we are there. Sound confusing??? She is also going to pay for a round of miniture golf, and a portrait package. Anyone want to add to my list?
This probably will seem like a screamingly cheapo gift, but from your description, one they would feel really good about--Brita bottles for the parks. You don't want them getting dehydrated over the price of bottled water. (The tap water at WDW is rather nasty-tasting; they MIGHT drink it, but might well skip it b/c of the taste.)

If you can find neoprene bottle sleeves anywhere at this late season, have your kids personalize them for the grandparents w/ fabric paints. Most sleeves have belt clips that make it very easy to carry the bottles in parks.

I also agree that the "behind-the-scenes" things often appeal to the WDW-impaired. Practical people tend to admire the efficiency and business acumen that all that magic is based on.

One other thing: are you flying? If so, you might want to check out the luggage they have. If it is old & heavy, they could get caught with excess weight charges. New, lightweight rolling luggage is another good gift idea.
If you are looking for other gifts to commerate the trip you might check out the artists in the various resorts. I found some wonderful lithos at America in the World Showcase, also at the gift shop at the AKL. The lithos are already matted and ready for framing when you get home. I have one of the "Tree of Life" that is just wonderful!
My gift suggestion would be a WDW vacation planning guide--namely the Passporter. Others also favor the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World.

Even someone who doesn't open one of these books until they board the plan will still get a few "magical" suggestions to use during the trip.

Regarding your comment on the refillable mugs, are you sure that will work? I'm assuming you are referring to the mugs that they sell at the resorts. Are you planning to give them mugs that your family used on a prior trip? If so, I thought that they were using a barcoding system now that keeps people from reusing mugs during later trips.
We really love the photos they take at the entrance to each park. They would make nice souveniers, especially if it's a family type shot. You could even make up a photo album of those and some attraction photos. Or how about one of the specialty cruises. We loved the IllumiNations Cruise. Or you could try the MK one. I like the idea of some really nice meals too.
Thanks for all of the great suggestions. No, we are not going to give them mugs from a previous trip. We will probably do something cheesy like wrapping our old ones, but have the girls decorate them somehow to let them know we will buy them for them when we get down there. Those are what my two daughters are giving to my parents for Christmas.

Can someone tell me about how much a picture frame costs? I'm sure there is a wide variety of price ranges, but just an average.

And, how about the photo packages? Can anyone give me an idea of a cost there?

We are going to try to do the Illuminations Cruise, so I'm sure they don't want to do two of them.

Keep the good ideas comings. Thanks so much.


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