Need info- can daughter ride alone?


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 1999
DD and I are going to WDW for a looong Columbus Day Weekend, just the 2 of us. She is almost 10, 5 feet tall, and LOVES thrill rides- ToT, Space, Splash and Big Thunder, TestTrack, Star Tours and Body Wars with out turning a hair, spins tea cups like a tornado, and did all the "biggie" coasters at Cedar Point this summer. I, on the other hand, am a wimp, get seasick in the bathtub, have ridden Dumbo once and was icky all afternoon. I will have nobody to ride these things with her on our trip! Is it "safe" for her to do these alone? I know BTMRR and Splash are OK (I've been on each of them once, in 8 trips) , but what about the others? Can I wait in line with her and then bail out before actually getting on the ride? What about Mission:Space- would YOU let your 10yoDD ride unaccompanied? I don't even know what these rides are like inside- and of course, SHE thinks she can do anything (well, she usually can, within reason!) Your input will be greatly appreciated- especially by DD!
I have a son aged 10 on our last trip.

He loves the thrill rides as we all do.

I'd let him ride alone with no fears, although I'd probably feel happier if I queued with him.

If your daughter reaches the height requirements I see no problem with her riding alone.

Queueing (sp) up with her and taking the 'chicken exit' shouldn't be a problem.

Havent done Mission Space yet so cant help you there.

Have fun on your trip....I'd love to do a mother /daughter trip I'm so jealous (have you read Cassie's trip reports....she's just done a trip with her daughter)


I think your DD will be fine riding Mission Space alone but I would stay in line with her then bail at the last moment. Very easy to exit as they keep asking you if you are sure you want to do this. This way you will know who she is riding with and be able to talk to them. Try to get in line behind a nice couple or family of three. Take a position in the preshow like you are going to ride. When they take you out of the preshow and position you on numbers outside the pod doors, Bail and leave. Plus you get to see all the cool stuff.

It is a VERY intense ride and would not be suitable for anyone much younger then her to ride alone. It's not suitable for some older people I know to ride alone! But if Dumbo is too intense you would never survive Mission Space. It is the most intense and realistic thing I have ever been on.

Really hope you enjoy your trip, it's a great time to go!
The official rule is that you have to be 7 to ride anything alone. So she meets the age requirement. Those rides all seem to be ones you could easily go through the line with her for. If she still wants to do Dumbo (or Aladdin, or the Dinosaur one) I wouldn't get in line with her for that, as you could probably see her and it seems like it would just be easier not to.
My 10 year old daughter rides by herself most of the time!! I always stay in line with her until she enters the ride, then I go to the works just fine....once she made a friend who was doing the same thing then they went on the ride together for the day!! I do go on most of the rides, but not body wars, and I can only take rock n roll once, so she loves to do it again and again and it doesn't bother her at all!!
Yes she is old enough to ride alone- disney requires that children be 7 to ride alone. I went to WDW in August with my dd's ages 6 and 8 and there were a few things dd 8 could ride but dd 6 was not tall enough for. Primeval Whirl and RnRc in particular. We used a fast pass for the 8yo and youngest dd and I walked dd through the line and waited in the baby swap area for her while she rode. CM's were great about accomodating this as I really didn't want my 8yo to be alone for to long. Most of the rides have a baby swap area or a "chicken exit" where you can bail out and wait. Just mention to the CM at the entrance what your plan is and they will direct you as to the best course of action.

DD befriended 3 lovely British girls who spun on the teacups with her. I think with Mission Space I would scout out a family, it is four per mission I believe. Just make sure you tell her to look straight ahead at the screen at all times, do not even look down at the buttons and do NOT close her eyes. I didn't feel a thing on MS, but DH got sick (he closed his eyes), it is awesome. Wish I could have gotten my boys on it, I know they would have loved it.
Thanks, everyone! I suspected she'd be OK, but she's my only one and I can't be too careful, plus I have the "scardy cat" gene! I really needed to know for sure about being able to wait in line with her but NOT get trapped on the ride myself! BTW, I don't call them "chicken exits". They are "Lee's private walkways for the vertigo-challenged"!
Yes, if you child is willing, she can ride alone. We do single rider on Test Track all of the time with our DD, who is 9, but looks like she is 7 and have no problem.

The official rule is that a child may ride alone as long as he/she is 7 years of age, and meets the height requirement.

Have a great time!


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