now what would you do?


<font color=olive>Why can't a 42 yr old man put hi
Jun 7, 2001
I posted earlier about an impromptu trip with my DD3 with leukemia, my DS5 with ADHD/PDD and my oldest DS7. We were supposed to be traveling with a friend and her 2 kids, but she just had her vacation time turned down. My dh definately can't make it and I already told the kids about the trip. I can't break their hearts and cancel, but I am terrified of doing this myself.... any advice or words of wisdom?
You are very brave to even consider attempting it. Is there anyone else who can come along and help - maybe a grandparent? You take trips to enjoy yourself not stress yourself to the point of emotional exhaustion. Only you really know if you can handle it or not. :confused3
Biscuitsmom31 said:
You are very brave to even consider attempting it. Is there anyone else who can come along and help - maybe a grandparent? You take trips to enjoy yourself not stress yourself to the point of emotional exhaustion. Only you really know if you can handle it or not. :confused3
This was what I was thinking when I read your question.
Oh my God, thank you so much!!! i feel like I finally found people that "get it". I am actually wiping away tears as I read this. To finally have someone agree that this is so difficult. I feel validated. Okay, I'm done... getting a little too emotional for a message board. Thank you so much!
Tomskatt said:
Oh my God, thank you so much!!! i feel like I finally found people that "get it". I am actually wiping away tears as I read this. To finally have someone agree that this is so difficult. I feel validated. Okay, I'm done... getting a little too emotional for a message board. Thank you so much!

It IS difficult!! As you may have read on this board, I have a DS 9 with extreme, as of yet undiagnosed, emotional/behavioral issues. I also have a DD 8 and another DS 4 (both strong willed but with nowhere near the problems of their older brother). I can't tell you how many times I have wasted money ordering pizza because I couldn't bring myself to take them all to the grocery store by myself - much less WDW! Sometimes in order to be a good mother, you have to put your needs before the wants of your children. They won't have any fun if you are miserable.

By the way, how is your little girl doing? :love:
Tomskatt said:
Oh my God, thank you so much!!! i feel like I finally found people that "get it". I am actually wiping away tears as I read this. To finally have someone agree that this is so difficult. I feel validated. Okay, I'm done... getting a little too emotional for a message board. Thank you so much!

the first time we took our kids, they were 1 1/2, 4 1/2, and 6. No special issues for them, and my MS had not yet kicked in as a factor. Even so, DH and I brought my brother along, so we wouldn't be outnumbered. I can't imagine taking three small kids alone--not on my own for an entire vacation! And even if it could be done, what if you got sick, or something you ate didn't agree with you....there'd be no back-up.


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