Offer: Child Size Walker


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2005
Brand new, my DD had it when she broke her leg, but only used it a week. I am willing to send it to someone who needs it, so long as they pay shipping.
Thanks for your offer.
I am going to move this to the disABILITIES Community Board wherre it will be more on topic.
It might be helpful if you can add some information about size, etc.

Another possible place to donate it would be your child's school system. There would be a Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist connected with the district. They may like equipment like this because it gives them some additional tools to work with some of the kids that they see regularly (plus, available to someone else who has a temporary need like your DD had).
Hi and thank you. My son is currently undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia at a children's hospital. There are scores of children (not only in the cancer clinic) in the hospital that could use your walker. Why not check into the childrens hospital nearest you and see if they could use it??? If not I am sure one of the social workers knows of a family with limited resources that would be glad to use it??? Thanks for thinking of others!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi and thank you. My son is currently undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia at a children's hospital. There are scores of children (not only in the cancer clinic) in the hospital that could use your walker. Why not check into the childrens hospital nearest you and see if they could use it??? If not I am sure one of the social workers knows of a family with limited resources that would be glad to use it??? Thanks for thinking of others!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh My! I'll be thinking about you and your little one!

I had first considered taking it to our local children's hospital, but thought if I could help anyone on the Dis first, I ought to try.
Donating it to the local children's hospital or school is a great idea. I am sure the donation would be considered to be tax deductible. If you don't have a children's hospital close by, I suggest you donate it to Easter Seals! Our DD was born with fluid on the spine and needed to use a walker for awhile. Luckily, we were able to use one on loan from our local Easter Seals office. It was great not having to spend the money on one. I am sure any family that gets to use yours, whatever the source, will truly appreciate it!


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