One year to a better, healthier life... a challenge


Mar 31, 2015
Hi, I am Swilcox and I want to be a better, healthier me. I am giving myself one year to change my lifestyle and complete 8 personal goals.

Everyone is welcome to join me. The more we support each other the more successful we will be!

What do you want to accomplish? Do you need a little encouragement or have you reach a goal you set for yourself?

Let's get started.
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I guess I will start with myself. As I said earlier I am Swilcox. I am 31 years old, 5'2 and 181lbs. I am a stay at home mom to a 2 yr old girl.

I use to be very healthy but as often happens life got in the way. I have been trying to lose weight on and off for over a year. I confess that I haven't been very serious about it.

Something changed a few days ago. I stepped on the scale (something I rarely do) and found that I was 2 pounds shy of what I was the day I delivered my daughter. That afternoon I took a walk with my husband and daughter. I could barely get through the walk and was huffing and puffing by the end.

That night I promised myself that I would get healthier and take better care of myself. I spent the next few days thinking about what I needed to do and planning how I would do it. I'm serious this time. I am ready to be a better me.
My goals

As I started to examine myself I found a few things other than my weight that I feel needs improvement. They are tied to my appearance. I know that they won't do much to help my over all health but I hope that improving them will give me more confidence.

Ok, here are the goals I have set for myself.

1. Take A Few Minutes For Myself

2. Eat Heathier

3. Exercise Daily

4. Run A 5K (Dopy before I'm 40)

5. Drink More Water

6. Improve Skin

7. Improve Look of Makeup

8. Whiten Teeth

Those are my personal goals. I'll give you an update on how I'm doing at the end of every day. W.I.S.H me luck and join me. We can do it together!

My goals

As I started to examine myself I found a few things other than my weight that I feel needs improvement. They are tied to my appearance. I know that they won't do much to help my over all health but I hope that improving them will give me more confidence.

Ok, here are the goals I have set for myself.

1. Take A Few Minutes For Myself

2. Eat Heathier

3. Exercise Daily

4. Run A 5K (Dopy before I'm 40)

5. Drink More Water

6. Improve Skin

7. Improve Look of Makeup

8. Whiten Teeth

Those are my personal goals. I'll give you an update on how I'm doing at the end of every day. W.I.S.H me luck and join me. We can do it together!

You got this! :yay: Little goals accomplished add up to big goals. Rooting for you Swilcox:cheer2:

I had wanted to do an update everyday but as often happens life got in the way. I won't bore you with the details but I will say that the interruptions have kept me busy but happy. Things have calmed down and I am ready to get back on track and hopefully keep you updated.

Here is my process so far

1. Take time for myself - This one has been really hard. I know it is the most important. I can't work on my other goals if I don't take the time but there always seems to be other things to do.

2. Eat Healther - This goal is going a little better. I downloaded the Myfitnesspal app to my phone and it's been helping. I found some new recipes online and I'm really trying to watch what and how much I eat. It hasn't been easy and with the holidays I have been cheating a little bit but I am not going to give up.

3. Exercise daily - I have made zero progress on this one. No excuses, I'm going to try harder.

4. Run a 5k - Like my exercise goal I haven't made any physical progress on this one. My husband (who ran everyday until a few years ago) helped me make a training plan. We are planning on running a race together in October (if I'm ready.) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

5. Drink more water - This is one of the goals that I have made a lot of progress on. I got a water infuser and the added taste of the fruit is making it much easier to get my recommended amount of water a day. Something I wasn't even close to before. I did get a little lax during the holiday weekend but I'm picking it right back up today. I have also almost completely cut out soda. I say almost because I cheated a bit during the weekend.

6. Improve skin - I have started using a new morning and bedtime face care routine. I'm using the Clinique 3 Step System. It takes me more time but I can feel the beginning of results. My face feels cleaner and softer. It takes four weeks to see major results but I feel like I am off to a good start.

7. Improve makeup - I'm in the process of trying some new products. I'm not sure if I like them or not. I'm going to try them for a few more days and then make the decision on if I want to keep them or not.

8. Whiten Teeth - My dentist is running a summer sale on the Zoom whitener. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks to have it done. Family friends have had amazing results with it. I'll let you know how it goes.

So, I've made some progress but not on the things that will have an impact on my health. I haven't given up. I'm going to try harder. Hopefully I'll get another update out today or tomorrow.
great job on your steps to a healthier you!!


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