Only 189 more days of school until summer vacation!


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! Well, got dd off to the second day of school. I am still in that SUMMER FEELING so it's weird to be thinking about school.

Bite your tongue Sandra,LOL.I finally have gotten my house back,I havent had to raise my voice and my dogs finally get floor space to stretch out on.I hope it is a loooonnnnnggggg school year,hehehe.;)
First day of school (grade 11) went fine. He was up at 6:20am, showered, ate breakfast and actually made it to the bus on time. Day 2 didn't go as well. Had to wake him up at 7am and then he took an hour in the bathroom and missed the bus so had to be driven to school. Sigh.... It's going to be a long year of banging on the bathroom door trying to get him out to catch the school bus (which I have to pay for)..... If there are 189 days left I'll probably end up driving him half of those. And this term his first period teacher will lock him out of class if he's late! Should be interesting.

LOL! I ran into two friends today who's kids had terrible first days! I'm sending PIXIE dust to make everyone's day better! S
My kids had a good day-they seem to like all their teachers. Jeff has a horrible first semester-math, physics and 2 englishes. Next semester only accounting and computers and a co-op at the airport. It will be a fun semester. Vanessa has an easy first semester and not so bad 2nd semester. I survived my first day back in the CAF after the summer off. I too am counting the days until Christmas Break and especially next summer.
I'm hopeful that the first two days will be an indication of how things will go this year. Both days the kids have gotten up and ready without any prodding. Dan's in grade 13 with only a Math and English this semester and Tim's in grade 10.

I was really surprised about this morning because dh and I went to Toronto for the day yesterday and then went to the Aerosmith concert at the Molson Amphitheatre last night.

We didn't get home until after 1am and the kids had made their dinners, tidied up and were in bed asleep. I expected to come home to one on the computer and the other watching TV. But they must have gone to bed on time because they got themselves up and ready for school this morning, while I was still dreaming of Steven Tyler prancing across the stage! Maybe they CAN finally do all this on their own!
GREAT Julie! You have great boys! Their maturity means you did a fabulous job ~ excellent mom!

How was the concert?????????? S
Thanks Sandra! :D

I enjoyed the rock concert and didn't suffer any ill effects to my ears or my head (from the noise level and all that "funny smoke" floating around), the next morning. ;) The warm-up groups Run DMC and Kid Rock are not really "my cup of tea" but I have to commend KR for his energy level.

Aerosmith was amazing and brought the packed house down, under the starry night. So great to see these guys, from my generation, still going strong and rockin' to such a diverse age group. I hope they continue their trend and come back next summer, though I think I'll be going with Dan rather that dh.


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