only a person's opinion


DIS Veteran
Oct 16, 2003
Don't change plans just because of a review here on the boards. If people did that no one would eat at WDW. For every bad review of a resturaunt there are good ones too. Last time we went we ate at both Le Cellier and Alfredo's and I don't think either were worth it. I also loved Coral reef. Go figure.
Take reviews with a grain of salt. Each one is someones opinion who's taste may not be the same as yours.

:confused3 :sad2: ::yes::
Thats exactly what I say.. I have found my family and I like alot of the places that others dont. Taste differs..
Thank you for saying this. We found one or two places that others just rave about that we didn't care for all that much. But to each his own. :sunny:
I can't agree more!!!! I read time after time about someone cancelling their ADR's just because someone else had a bad experience. Remember, Disney restaurants serve hundreds of people daily. Just because someone else has a bad experience doesn't necessarily mean you are going to have a bad experience.
Yep, dont change your plans because of one bad review. I dont. If there are a lot of bad reviews I might reconsider, but I really would check to see why they said it was bad. Everyone has different views on what makes some place a bad place. But everyone has different opinons and likes.
Everyone has different tastes and like different entrees and have dfferent places they enjoy. Everyone has to have their own experience and decedie for themselves. :love:
I'd agree, I was totally underwhelmed by Boma (worst service we had the entire trip) and really didn't even think the zebra domes were that great (I hear the flames acomin') but we loved Coral Reef and had a great waiter.
I am glad we did Boma though for the simple fact that we got to see AKL. We would probably never stay there so that was great. Your best bet is to check out the menus and see what looks good to you. :thumbsup2
Thanks for saying this! This is our first trip to WDW, and all the negatives were really getting me down. I'm sticking with my res. to CRT b/c it's my dd's 5th birthday, and I know she and little sis will LOVE it no matter how the food tastes! They probably won't remember anything about the food. :thumbsup2
I totally agree. Plus it depends so much on the items that you order. Some entrees are just more to our taste than others. However, I did book Kona's after reading all the reviews on these boards!! LOL :thumbsup2
I agree completely! We enjoy Disney through the eyes of our dd!

We're travelling with our dd(11) and the dining experiences I've picked are because I felt she would like them - true it is, that the kids will remember the experience, not how the food was.

I'm hoping the food is good....if it's great that's an added bonus. Otherwise, if it's not spoiled, it's all in a day's fun!
I agree. I love reading the reviews here but unless there was some major unhappiness about a restaurant that everyone seemed to have, I wouldn't change dinner reservations. But for the dining plan, we were undecided for a few days and I took advice from this board and we are trying Ohana for the first time!!! I hope it's GREAT!!!
I have said this in review posts. What one person likes another person may not and it all can't be "perfect" everytime. There are times when I got to a local restaurant in our area and one time the food and service can be great and another time not up to par.

We have ADR's for our upcoming to Chef Mickey's, Hoop Dee Doo, Luau, and Donald's. If I took all the feedback from the reviews I may not go to any of them. I take all the reviews with a "grain of salt". Actually I look forward not to have to cook, no complaints from the family-choose what you want, and I don't have to set the table,nor clean up. That in itself is a treat for me. :)
matt&jakesmom said:
I have said this in review posts. What one person likes another person may not and it all can't be "perfect" everytime. There are times when I got to a local restaurant in our area and one time the food and service can be great and another time not up to par.

We have ADR's for our upcoming to Chef Mickey's, Hoop Dee Doo, Luau, and Donald's. If I took all the feedback from the reviews I may not go to any of them. I take all the reviews with a "grain of salt". Actually I look forward not to have to cook, no complaints from the family-choose what you want, and I don't have to set the table,nor clean up. That in itself is a treat for me. :)

You said it!!! :thumbsup2
ps...we had A TON of fun at HDD and we are way-jaded Chicagoans and former actors! It was a hoot!!!
Not to mention, if you only go to the places that get rave reviews, your expectations are higher and you're more likely to be disappointed. We're trying several places that have received quite a few complaints lately, but they sound interesting to us and, since our expectations are low, chances are we'll be pleasantly surprised.
I am so glad to see you post this! I see soo many people change their ADR's and their resorts, just on others reviews! What one person hates, another will LOVE. Please be sure to try everything at Disney:)
Well, thanks for posting this! I was thinking about cancelling fultons. But, now I will go. Thanks OP!!
True, true. However I do enjoy the reviews with pictures. I will always go with my instinct, but take into consideration the menus, people's opinions, and what the food looks like. For instance, some people love Sci Fi, others don't. I don't think that I would eat here even if it got stellar reviews because the atmosphere and the menu don't appeal to me.
TikiGoddess said:
I'd agree, I was totally underwhelmed by Boma (worst service we had the entire trip) and really didn't even think the zebra domes were that great (I hear the flames acomin') but we loved Coral Reef and had a great waiter.
I am glad we did Boma though for the simple fact that we got to see AKL. We would probably never stay there so that was great. Your best bet is to check out the menus and see what looks good to you. :thumbsup2

So true, everyone had different tastes. This is a prime example, we LOVED Boma and it's at the top of our list with Cali Grill and Les Chefs de France! You are right about the Zebra Domes, I was so looking forward to trying these and was a bit of a let down. They were okay but nothing I'd rave about.


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