OT: What is your career??


DIS Veteran
Jul 18, 2004
Hello OZ Diser's

I am looking for a career change and am having a hard time figuring out what I want to do. Could you tell me what you do for a living and if you like it?

I am a site administrator/office manager on a construction site. I work for a big company that is doing a job for the govt at the moment.

I don't mind my job but I wouldn't say that it was my dream since being a child. Where I work it is very flexible, I work part time (but every day) and I get paid well. Only problem is that it is project based work, so when projects end you either move onto the next one (which may or may not be do-able) or you find a new job. That is the situation I will be in at the end of this year.

I asked the same question a couple of months ago over on the community board!

I'm currently in Property Management - to be honest I wouldn't recommend it. You spend all day dealing with jerks or people who think you're trying to scam them out of their money :sad2: However if you love a challenge, dealing with difficult situations and helping people find houses then it's not a bad job.

Plus you don't spend all day stuck in an office.

I'm thinking I want to get into something creative. The only downside is you sort of have to be creative... :laughing:
I am currently a boring old contract admin. But like Aussiegirls I get to work part time and they are soooo flexible with me.
I am a Production Planner for a company that produces cartons. Panadol cartons, Maccas cartons, cat food cartons, baby food cartons, alcoholic drink wraps - you name it, we are likely to make it LOL.

I'm the meat in the sandwich between sales and production, deciding what to produce, and when. Must deliver on time, but in a way that's efficient for production. I work with good people, and they pay me well, so that's a good reason to get out of bed every day! I hate the stress at this time though (our peak is from Aug - Feb).

It's full time, currently 7 - 3pm, but I'm changing to 6 - 2pm the week after next (all but Tuesdays, where I train before work, so will remain at 7 - 3). I'll save $360/month on after school care fees (that's almost an extra $1400 before our trip!), as I'll be able to pick up my DD direct from school. Yay!

Would I recommend it as a career? Hell no! Just ask Aust, she does a similar job on a contract basis, and deals with the same kind of issues that I do.


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