Philly airport delays?


Wilderness Lodge Veteran
Feb 16, 2002
I read an article today that alluded to federal screeners starting at Philadelphia International Airport and that the delays have been torturous. Can anyone tell me what federal screeners means? do they pull every person out of line? bomb sniffing dogs? the whole nine years for each person? i want to be safe but i dont want to be in line for 3 hours either. Has anyone flown through Philly in the past few weeks that can tell me whats up with this??
For some reason, Philly just hasn't been able to get security together. Newark has added screening stations/equipment, and there is seldom more than a few moments wait. Orlando has added equipment, and although the screeners there still seem rather daft, the process has gotten much smoother with a few minute wait. But Philly. oy!

Unless you are a first class or Presidents Club pax, plan on an hour in line to get through the screening. What I the problem? beats me. It just seems very unorganized. They do NOT have nearly enough equipment.

I read an article that said that Philly just started using the new Federal employees, as opposed to the contracted security firm. When we flew to MCO in late September they were still using the outside contractor, and we breezed through. Anyway, the article said that these new screeners have to go through so many hours of on the job training, so that security would be slower while this process took place. I'm just glad that I'm not leaving from there any time soon! Hopefully this will be a temporary thing.
I just flew out of Philly two weeks ago and had no extra delays getting though security. It did seem to me that they were pulling more people aside and that there was a lot more security personal. I liked that. They did ask to put my purse through the screener again, but that took very little extra time. It all ran very smoothly.


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