Please HELP -- 1st time to WDW with son!


Earning My Ears
Feb 5, 2003
Hi all,

My wife and I are huge Disney fans and have been DVC members for 7 years. We have become experts on WDW (where to go, eat, times, etc) for adults.

22 months ago we welcomed our 1st child into the world and now don't have a clue about how to approach WDW with a toddler. We would love any and all advice on every aspect you can think of!! :)

As a starter list of ?s we aren't sure about:
Should we bring our own stroller?
Where are the best places to eat with a little one at each of the parks?
What attractions are 'not to miss' now (although these are the ones I probably avoided before)?
Which character meals are the best (we are planning on Chef Mickey's (he LOVES mickey) and probably 1 more, maybe the one at the Animal Kingdom Lodge)?

For more detail, we are staying in a 1BR at BCV and he will need a 2 hour nap each day (could start anytime from 11-3pm depending on what we are doing)



When my DW & I first came home with our DD, she was 2!

I highly suggest you bring your OWN stroller. We always brought our own stroller because, well... it was our stroller. It had pockets, and other holders on it that made bringing all the necessary stuff > like, diapers, wipes, juice boxes, crackers, etc.

I don't suggest you eat lunch at the parks. Not only are they a bit pricy, your child probably won't eat and it's a waste of money.

I HIGHLY suggest you go early in the morning to the parks, and leave as soon as the child gets cranky. That will probably be around noon. Go back to your 1BR and have lunch, and then to the pool. I don't suggest a nap just yet. Do the pool for about an hour, and then all important NAP at around 2p!

This plan really makes the vacation a vacation for not only the child, but for the parents too!

After fun at the pool, my kids would be pooped! Then take their naps without a wimper. Once they'd wake up from their naps, we'd get cleaned up and head out for dinner.

We did Chef Mickey's last year, it was great. Buffet was good for me (lots of food) and the kids at the usual chicken fingers, etc. Goofy, Chip & Dale, Donald Duck and Mickey all came to our table for autographs and pictures. Also, go to the Garden Grille at Epcot for dinner. Chip & Dale, & Mickey are there. Again, LOTS of food for me, and the kids ate alot too! The dinner is served family style, and you can always as for another helping (& we always do).

In regards to where you should take your child, I suggest Mickey's Toontown at MK. There you'll get to meet characters, and ride some rides that aren't frightening are too fast. It's a small world is the best. Now that my kids are 8 & 5, they love Goofy's Barnstormers Coaster!

I also suggest AK. The safari ride is a bit bumpy, but you'll be holding on to your child, obviously, so I wouldn't worry. Seeing all the animals was the best for my kids. Also, there is a petty zoo in the back of AK. Ask a cast member to point you to it!

Hope this helps!

We're heading down on April 11th! BWV's this time. Can't wait!:Pinkbounc
We always bring our own stroller. One that reclines so our son can take a nap in the parks. We also bring one of his blankets for him to snuggle up to as he NEVER naps in his stroller at any other place. We have never gone back to the room for naps because we go during off season and the park hours are shorter. Our son usually takes a nice nap and then when we get back to the room at the end of the day he sleeps very soundly.

Our 2 year old loves Buzz and the TTA. We always ask for a front car at the TTA - he thinks he is "the driver." Of course he also loves just about every ride in Fantasyland.

Some areas that you might have overlooked before are any of the "play" areas. Like Tom Sawyer Island and the Dino Dig. This tires him out and then he takes a nice nap in the stroller. ;)

We usually eat at the fast food places because we are outnumbered with the kids. We have eaten at Chef Mickey's (loved it) and Hollywood and Vine (loved it too). On our last trip we ate at the Garden Grill in Epcot. It was the first time we tried the "family style" character meal vs. the buffet kind. We really enjoyed it because the food was brought to us. Also, the way the booths are set up, you get more privacy with the characters. The restaurant rotates and our 2 year old was fascinated by this.

Since you are staying at the BCV, you might want to try the character breakfast there - have never tried it but heard it was great.

I hope this helps a little. :D
You might want to switch over to VWL, if you can. Its closer to the MK and makes traveling with this age a lot easier.

At that age, I'd bring my own stroller. Remember, you'll need to collapse it to get it on and off of busses (but you can roll the stroller onto the boat at VWL).

Most kids enjoy Fantasyland in the MK. Small World gains a new appreciation from Mom and Dad as they watch their entranced toddler sit for ten minutes - with NO LINE!!!!

Peter Pan's Flight and Pooh were also very popular. Carosel. Dumbo (ride it first thing in the morning).

Our kids LOVED AK. They didn't find that much to interest them at Epcot or MGM - we didn't spend much time there.

Where to eat depends on your kid. We have one we'd happily have dragged anywhere. And one that we can't trust at a nice sit down restaurant. The kids loved Cosmic Rays at the MK - we'd sit close and they'd dance to Sonny Eclipse while Daddy got food.

We like the Ohana's character meal, because they bring the food to you. When eating with a toddler, if I'm going to eat as well, I need to make it as simple for me as possible. Garden Grill at Epcot is also family style. AFAIK, there is no AKL character meal (but there is one at the AK - Donald's Breakfastosaurus).

If he's a busy walker, you may want to "leash" him. And label him (a tag on his shoes with his name and your name and cell phone number). Only takes a minute of you looking up for him to dart away and be lost in a crowd.
You will have soooo much fun with your toddler at WDW! It will give you a whole new perspective on the parks. :)

We've taken our DD at 14 months, 2 years and 2 1/2 years and she's loved it everytime and so have we. You will really appreciate that one bedroom w/ kitchen now that you have a toddler.

As others have said definetly bring you own stroller. A reclining stroller is a big plus with a toddler. You never know when they will need a little snooze. Our DD would sometimes just want to lay down in her stroller and take a little nap and then be all refreshed.

Early entry is great also if your toddler is an early riser anyway. EE is a real must for MK for Fantasyland. Head to Dumbo first! This has and continues to be DD's favorite!! (the line there indicates it must be alot of kids favorites!) hehe!

We usually eat lunch in the park and then do another attraction or two and then head out for the afternoon. Our DD really enjoys restaurant eating.

Back at our resort DD napped and then we went swimming. Our DD loves to swim so we allow plenty of time for that.

I guess my biggest advice is to see what really intrests your toddler and pick up cues from him as to how to plan your days!

Have a blast!

Our dd was 2 when we visited WDW last year and she had a blast!! I recommend getting some of the sing-a-long videos to help prepare your toddler for meeting "big" Mickey. We have "Beach Party at Walt Disney World", "Disneyland Fun", Campout at Walt Disney World", and "Flik's Musical Adventure at Animal Kingdom". These are great because they show the characters interacting with kids--by the time we ate at Chef Mickey's our dd was chasing Goofy with her autograph book and pen!! There is something really special about seeing WDW through the eyes of your kids--you will have a wonderful time:D
My best piece of advice (beyond taking your own stroller and everyone has already told you that) is to go SLOW. Allow your child to experience WDW at her pace. Figure this is one trip where you are not going to see everything. You nkow you are going back, so just see what you can see and have a fun relaxing vacation. (While you are doing that you can watch the other parents who haven't figured out this little trick--you know the ones who aren't DISers!--and just be so proud of yourselves for enjoying this irreplaceable time with your little one.

I would highly recommend the Playhouse Disney show at MGM. My kids from the 1 yo to the 6 yo loved that show. As everyone said, Fantasyland is going to be big for you this trip. My kids also love the Transit Authority and riding the trolley on Main St. AK is great for kids that age if again you go with the assumption that you aren't going to see everything. Lots of paths to just wander on and see what you can see.

As for food, I would recommend going to as many character meals as you can this trip! Why, because I am cheap and your child will be free at any of the family style or buffet restaurants until they turn three. May as well get them in that way and it's easy to find something they will like. We never order for our littlest anyway, even at counter service, cause there is always plenty of food from mom or dad and the older two.

Have a great trip!
You have some huge advantages here: You've been many times before, so you don't have to pound the parks, you can do them at your son's pace. And you have comfortable accommodations with a great pool!

We're Florida DVCers since 1997 and have a 14 month old who has already been to Disney three times. We just got back from a January trip and had a great time with him.
In fact, my husband asked me why he was so much easier to deal with at Disney. We did a few things in the morning, relaxed at the room after lunch, then went back in during the early evening.

We ate most lunches in the parks, in fact. We just ordered for the two of us and let him sample our meals. He got to try a lot of new food that way. Columbia Harbor House at the Kingdom has been my favorite counter service restaurant there since the '70s.

You'll appreciate your own stroller, as everyone said. Our son loved Small World, Dumbo, Winnie the Pooh, and the Imagination Ride. He also loved the play areas in Toontown and HOney I shrunk the Kids at MGM. But mostly, he loved just looking around at everything. There's so much for little ones to see. Watching him chase the lights on the ground at Epcot was priceless.

You also might try Fairy Godmothers for a night out. They were great.
We just returned from WDW with our almost 2 year old.

As a lot of others said, take your own stroller. Make sure you know to collapse it (to get on the buses). Also when you collapse it, if you have a basket underneath, does the contents fall out when you collapse it (In ours it does!!! This is why I mention it)

We did lots of character meals (we just made sure DS was comfortable seeing the characters up close - we did a test in one of the parks prior to our first PS). He LOVES the characters. (Chef Mickey's, Donalds, Liberty Tree Tavern, Garden Grill, Hollywood & Vine, Crystal Palace). Although not a character meal DS loved Beirgarten in Epcot!

We did go back to our room every day between 1:00-2:00, usually he napped, sometimes he didn't - then we just had some quiet time.

I made one PS each day (some breakfasts, some early dinners). For the rest of our meals either we made PB&Js (or some type of food we had with us) back in the room or did counter service at the parks.

We took DS on (or to) Buzz Lightyear, Peter Pan, Pooh, carousel, the train, Disney Playhouse, Great American Movie ride, Backlot Tour, Indian Jones show, Beauty & the Beast show, Lion King Show, Kilamanjaro Safari, Little Mermaid show, Muppets 3-d, Honey I shrunk the Audience 3-D....oh I could go on & on. Anything without a height restriction was fair game. We had such a good time!!!

DS loved the buses (go figure!) and loved feading the ducks at our resort!

I want to go back. You should have a wonderful time. It was an amazing experience to see WDW through DS's eyes when we 1st went with him (at 14 months). Prior to DS we always had fun as a couple, but we had a BLAST once DS came along :)
Take a few moments and get a silhouette made. You'll be surprised at how quickly it can be done. I promise it's a momento you will treasure. The CM captured our 15 month old son's baby curls beautifully. Enjoy your trip!
Hi, we have a amost 23 month old DD and will be staying at BCV too in a little over 2 weeks.:Pinkbounc . Her 1st trip she was amost 9 months old. We plan to do many of the suggestions listed her. I also plan to have a small flashlight for her on any dark rides (especailly if the ride stops and you get stuck for a few mintues. ) We have a Combi Travel Savey DX (online at strollers4less for 99.00, half off.) It is comfortable, has a lap bar with a cup holder and folds up really well. 2 problems so far, she can pull the lap bar and manipulate it since it is soft so the stroller can fold and if we don't strap her in she can get out herself in 2 seconds flat. But besides that we love it. I have also heard good things about the Graco citilight.

I am looking forward to BCV beacuse of the pool (and I love the theming.) (we own at VWL, but haven't stayed there yet!)

cinjam, was your child scared at the "Alein" part of Great movie ride? We were thinking of skipping it because of that.
DisneyPhD - the 1st time we took DS on Movie Ride he was 14 months and too young to really be frightened of the Aliens section. This time (at almost 2yo) we weren't so sure. We sat him away from where we knew the Alien was going to come out of the wall. While we passed that section I spoke to him quietly and asked him if he was "ready to see the big bug" - so I kind of warned him. He handled it fine - actually saying "eewwee" as we passed.

But you are right about being worried about that part. The couple in front of us had a 3yo & the poor kid was scared to death.

I may re-think going on again when DS is 3 or older & it turns out he is easily frightened.
Hi Dcoutts! Our family just joined DVC and are looking forward to our first trip in May. We have a 3 yr.old daughter, and have been taking her to WDW since she was 9 mo. Here are our thoughts on a kid-friendly trip...

We always take our own stroller. She is most comfortable and it is familiar. We have never been concerned with it being taken or bothered.

We love eating in the parks, and try to pick things that we all will enjoy. Our newest favorite is Plaza Restaurant in MK. The kids meals are so cute - mini-hotdogs and mini-burgers. Plus we love the sandwiches and salads.
She also enjoys the Rainforest for the ambience. Hurricane Hannah's at the BCV has a kid's lunch served in a bucket with shovel. We have not tried it yet, but plan to this trip.

Character meals - the more the better. Especially the ones with characters that your child knows. Our daughter loves Pooh, so Crystal Palace is a must do every time - we love the breakfast. Liberty Tree Tavern is a great character dinner. Our daughter loves Minnie, but is still a little frightened of Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale. We especially love this restaurant because she is eating real food, and not just fried things. Same for Garden Grill. The more times you go, the more your child will feel comfortable. Our daughter will now hug Mickey, Minnie, Pooh, and Tigger.

Attractions -

MK - Dumbo, Golden Carousel, Speedway, Tea cups, Pooh, Carpets, Small World, Train, trolley, Spectromagic, Fireworks

Epcot - Living Seas, Imagination, Land, Mexico boat

MGM - Playhouse Disney, Characters around the park (Beauty and the Beast this trip)

AK - Safari, Dinodig, new ride (like Dumbo), train to cons. station

DTD - jumping fountain, Legoland, World of Disney (great for pictures) various rides and playground

Other thoughts - I agree that you should go very early, especially for MK and get out by lunch or after. We always go back for nap first, then a swim. You may want to think about your dining times with regard to your child's typical schedule. I also bring a bag for her with a lot of snacks, water, sunglasses, sunlotion, a hat, and pennies to throw in the fountains.

Have a wonderful time - Disney will be different now; through the eyes of your child.


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