Project 365 - Thursday, April 2nd


<font color=blue>We have 4 cats, 1 anole lizard, a
Sep 21, 2000
What did you take a picture of today?? :goodvibes
a squirrel upsidedown on my window screen. It was like he was posing for the pic...strange :confused3
..sorry that this is late but I tried several times this morning and it wouldn't go through!

I went outside earlier this morning when it was dark and dreary and drizzling and took a picture of the lillys/lillies/lilly's/lillie's (?????) growing around the pool. For now they are just small and green, but in a couple of months they will be tall and colorful!

..sorry that this is late but I tried several times this morning and it wouldn't go through!

I went outside earlier this morning when it was dark and dreary and drizzling and took a picture of the lillys/lillies/lilly's/lillie's (?????) growing around the pool. For now they are just small and green, but in a couple of months they will be tall and colorful!


It is lilies. Lily is the singular, change the y to i and add es for the plural. An apostrophe is used when you omit letters -- as in don't -- omit the o. It is also used when making a noun possessive -- as in Susan's book. I'm sure this is way more info than you wanted. Random apostrophes are just an annoying pet peeve of mine. I'm not a expert, so please speak up if I am wrong.

photo of the day -- the boys making mud pies


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