Reviews 8/9-8/14, with kids, nothing fancy here


Apr 14, 2006
Our group consisted of me, my dd (6), my mom, my sister and my dear nephew (5). We didn't do any of the nicer restaurants because we we didn't think the kids could handle it and as they have health issues, we weren't comfortable leaving them at a resort child care center etc. We were on the DDP, though not free for us.

Our direct non stop flight was supposed to land in Orlando at 9:30 am on the 9th so we had reservations for Sci-Fi at 3:40 pm for a late lunch/early dinner. However our flight was cancelled due to engine troubles and we had to take a bus to a different airport, take a flight to Atlanta and then a flight to Orlando and thus we didn't make our ADR for Sci-Fi. Not even close, we checked in to CBR at midnight. I could give reviews of airport restaurants, but...I don't think that's what you all are looking for lol.

We ended up a few days only eating two meals because the others in our group (not me and dd!) are late risers and despite their promises of being up and out early, they were not. Sigh.


Late breakfast at the CBR food court. Dd had the kid's mickey waffles and I had the adult mickey waffle. They tasted like all other waffles but were shaped like Mickey, so therefore better lol! Sausage tasted like fast food sausage. Not sure what the others ate, they ate later than us as was normal for our trip for breakfast!

Early dinner at the San Angel Inn in Mexico. We loved this meal! The chips and salsa were nothing special but everything else was delicious. All the adults had the soup (tortilla type soup). Excellent! Especially when you got to the melted cheese part. Yum! My mom and sister ordered one of the beef dishes. My mom loved hers. My sister is not a beef eater at all (hasn't had it in probably twenty years, but for some reason ordered it here. She wasn't impressed, but you can't go by her. I had the chicken dish (has vegetables and a cheese/sour cream sauce). OMG, SOOO yummy, especially for a cheese person like me. The kids just had chicken strips with rice and beans etc. Well dd had the beans, dn didn't. He has several food allergies and is very very picky. Dd tried a few bites of my soup and chicken and liked both. We didn't order drinks and were too full for dessert. Maybe next time!


Breakfast at the food court. I had the adult breakfast platter, pretty good, though the french toast was a bit tough/stale? More than enough food for me. I didn't even touch the potatoes, they just don't appeal to me and the rest was enough. I really liked the eggs, though I guess they are just scrambled eggs. Dd had oatmeal, she's an oatmeal freak and some of my bacon and sausage.

Lunch at the Crystal Palace. OMG, this was awesome! I don't remember what everyone had just myself and dd really. Though I do know my dn had as always, chicken strips. I had the green beans which were excellent. I love green beans, especially fresh ones that are cooked just right. Not crunchy but not totally limp either. Delicious. I also had macaroni and cheese from the kids buffet, which I know from here is just Stouffers. But what can I say, I absolutely adore macaroni and cheese and have rarely met one I didn't like. It was good. I had some salad which was pretty good, some of the chicken pasta dish which was excellent. A piece of chicken which was very good, but dd wanted some too so I gave her much of my piece (she enjoyed it). Ooh, almost forgot I had some of the vegetable frittata which was great, wish I had gotten more of that. Dessert...what did I have. A bit of everything but I really liked the apple crisp/cobbler and the banana bread pudding. Dd liked the mashed potatoes, chicken strips, and chicken. She wanted to try the curry spiced noodles, but as I expected found them too spicy. I do know my mom and sister also had and liked the vegetable frittata and the chicken pasta. Oh, dd had the ice cream for dessert. It was ice cream. The character interaction here was great and the kids were so excited they could barely concentrate on their food. We saw all the characters at least once, same came by again and gave the kids another hug. They also followed Tigger around the room in the little parade.

Dd and I went back to our hotel early for some pool time. We had dinner at the food court and I had the adults bacon double cheeseburger meal. It was good, a tiny bit better than the average fast food burger IMO. Dd had the kids nuggets in a bucket which was a huge hit because of the bucket and shovel of course. We had cheesecake for our dessert, but it took it back to our room for later. Dd didnt' eat much so I finished hers and saved mine for the next day in the fridge.


Ok, this day dd and I did have three meals. Breakfast at the CBR food court again. Same as yesterday, adult breakfast platter for me, oatmeal for dd. Tasted just the same lol.

For lunch dd and I went to Tusker House in AK. I had the adult chicken meal with mashed potatoes and green beans. Pretty good, especially the potatoes. I didn't like the green beans as much as the ones at CP, nor the chicken but it was still good. Dd liked her kids meal with chicken, potatoes and applesauce (I think) but didn't like the potatoes here as much as CP. We ordered the chocolate cake and cheesecake for dessert. I had the cheesecake which was good, same as the cheesecake at all the CS places I think. Dd had the chocolate cake which she just nibbled at. She's not into sweets much other than ice cream.

We later met up with the rest of our group before leaving AK. We then went to the MK and had the character dinner at LTT. This was IMO the most disappointing meal, though everyone but dd and I loved it. Though dd did enjoy the characters which again were great and we saw them all at least once. The food was rather boring IMO, though again, I did enjoy the macaroni and cheese, Stouffer's and all lol. The rolls were a bit dry IMO and the salad dressing a bit flavorless. The meats were good, the potatoes and stuffing average. Dessert was good, but again nothing exciting. Oh well, my sister is a history buff and wanted to eat here for the theme, so we did. I must say they WERE very helpful when it came to my dn's food allergies. The chef came out and talked at length about what he could eat and what he couldn't and what they could make special for him. This was the only meal it was really an issue for as all the other meals he could eat....da dum, chicken strips/nuggets.


Breakfast at the food court. I had my usual, dd ordered the kids breakfast platter. Same as before.

Lunch we had at Chefs de France. The appetizers were excellent. My mom had the lobster bisque which she wouldn't stop raving over (seriously!). My sister and I had the tart with creme fraiche, bacon and carmelized onions. Absolutely delicious! Dd loved it too as she ate half of mine. I don't remember exactly what my mom and sister had (the french names). Mom had some sort of seafood dish which she really enjoyed and my sister had some sort of zuchinni/pasta dish which she also liked. I debated ordering the french version of macaroni and cheese but the waiter said while it was better than regular macaroni and cheese it was still, just mac and cheese. So I ordered the croque monsiour. Eh, it was ok. Probably would have been pretty good, but it was a bit on the cold side. I should have complained, but I didn't. Dn had the kid's battered fish and fries, he liked the fries lol. Didnt' touch the fish, but that's not saying much because as I said, he's picky and seems to live on air. Dd ordered the kids hamburger but didn't eat much of it as she'd already eaten half of my appetizer which was good sized and then the tomatoes from my plate. She said the hamburger was good though. I don't remember what the others ordered for dessrt (though dd had ice cream, again, ice cream). I had the creme brulee which was very good. I was a bit worried about the raspberry puree or whatever it was, but it didn't distract from the creaminess of the creme brulee at all and added just a bit of something to it.

Dinner was again dd and I ate the food court after swimming. I had the burger again. Dd ordered the kids pasta and enjoyed it (and the mickey cheese crackers, how cute are those?!?).


Today dd and I were supposed to have breakfast at the Kona Cafe as I've always wanted to try the banana stuffed french toast after reading about it years ago. But...we still had much we wanted to see and do at the MK before our plane left in the afternoon, so we cancelled it and again had our usual breakfasts at the CBR food court.

For lunch we went to Casey's Corner as I've read here about how good the hot dogs are and a friend who went to WDW last year raved about the hot dogs she had at MK (though not sure which restaurant). I had a hot dog and fries and dd had the mini corn dogs and fries. I thought my hot dog was pretty good, but not all I thought it would be. But then where I live we have a local brand of hot dogs that are out of the world IMO and many other locals, so lets just say I may be picky on them. The fries were good and dd liked her mini corn dogs. We had to pay for this meal OOP as we were out of CS credits, so no dessert.

And that concludes our meals for this trip! Hope this helps someone!
Great reviews :thumbsup2 I was curious if the kids mickey waffle is the same size as the adult mickey waffle since you got both your 1st morning?

Thanks, Calie
Enjoyed reading your review ~ Thanx for sharing.
calie_j --The kids mickey waffles are smaller than the adult mickey waffles but the kids meal comes with three waffles I think and the adults, only one, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say the actual amount of waffle is about the same.



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