Seating for Fireworks

marvel said:
So how long did you have to stake out your spots near the hub??Still confused as to whether the tour will be worth the seating for the fireworks or not??

There doesn't seem to be many options and I hate the thought of fighting it out with someone that cuts in front of the kids just before the fireworks.

My best bet then is to book the last tour of the day??

The hub is IMO the best place to experience the fireworks, because the show is RIGHT THERE and the fireworks explode all around you. I'd recommend getting there at least an hour before the 2nd parade, and then staying there - so you're looking at probably getting there around 6pm. The parade will either be at 7:15 or 7:45, depending on the day, and then the fireworks at 9:25. It gets extremely crowded, so most of your party should be there - people will naturally be trying to find the best spots right up until the beginning of the shows. Some people get there early, and then send some of their party for food & have a bite to eat while they wait.

Having said that, the train station premium viewing is a nice spot to watch the whole fireworks show. You're not in the middle of it, but you have a good view of the fireworks exploding in the air, from the Matterhorn, Castle, and on Main Street. You also get a good view of the lasers from the castle during the Tomorrowland segment of the show. Personally, I liked this view, as well.

My daughter saw the fireworks from the middle of Main Street, near the Sillouette Shop, and she thought that that was a good spot, too, because the people experience the fireworks that shoot off on Main Street.
We did the 2nd parade from the train station and then just worked our way down to the was somewhat full, but there was still space available, so we left grammie and the stroller there to stake out our spot and took the kids for two rides before coming back to watch the fireworks....worked great!

If you have a Disney Visa, get your free stroller...whether your kids need it or was very helpful in keeping folks from jumping in front of our kids and held our space well too!
I was at DL about 2 weeks ago. I first saw the fireworks from the train station viewing spot (after the tour). The advantage to that spot, IMO, is the getting the overall view, seeing how the effects frame the castle, etc.

The next night I was right at the end of the drawbridge (btween it and the curb)--too close, IMO, because the castle blocks a lot of the background effects and you can't see the Matterhorn.

After that, I watched it 3 more times from the hub area, which I liked best. It's back far enough to see the effects behind the castle, good view of the Matterhorn, Tinkerbell, etc. I sat on the ground (bring a cloth--Neat Sheet is good, as it is big but not bulky like a towel or blanket). I liked being on the north side of the hub, at the top of the "spoke" that extends toward the street.

I was able to get my favorite spot as late as right after the parade, because most folks are standing closer to the curbs and street, so the hub area, although there are people there, isn't jam-packed. (But this was in mid-June so maybe the crowds are heavier now.) As others have said, it's a good idea to save some space ahead of yourself, to keep your view from being blocked. People in wheelchairs, etc. tended to get there very early to save their spots and of course, they won't be sitting on the ground, but everyone else sat down flat when the show started, which made viewing the show very nice.

Each night, I was able to chat up the folks around me and had nice conversations which made the time pass pretty quickly. I also was able to ask them to save my spot (since I was by myself) so I could go get a soda, etc. Everyone was very friendly, as you would imagine. I did bring a book in case I got bored, but usually ended up chatting with my neighbors.

After the show, just sit tight and listen to the music for 5-10 min. Soon the crowd thins out and it's much easier to leave. Check around yourself for your stuff before you go. (I lost a camera USB cable one night).

I got some fair pictures with my digital camera (don't bother with your flash, it won't help any), but you would need a tripod if you wanted really good shots. I also took a video with my digital camera a couple of nights. It's very small (3" square) to watch on my laptop, but good enough that I've watched it several times since returning home--it really brings back the memories!

It's a great show, and worth seeing at least twice as you'll see things the second time you missed the first time because there's so much happening.


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