Staying at SSR and worried about crowds


<font color=deeppink>possum chauffeur<br><font col
Apr 9, 2004
We are staying at SSR from the 16th through the 26th, and we are getting worried about crowds. We hear that there is a convention that week that will bring close to 50,000 people to WDW. This, combined with the F&W festival and the golf tournament can make for some bad crowds.

Nervous over nothing?

Our plan is to hit the parks at gate open and leave at 2pm for the resort and some swimming. I plan on skipping parks on EMH days as well.
We've been during the golf tournament and FWIW, it doesn't seem to impact park attendance mcuh at all. Most of the conventioners will be in meetings during the day - IMHO, it's actually better (for park crowds) to have conventioners in the rooms rather than vacationers.

Anyway, your plan is a good one. Try not to let internet posts spoil your anticipation. You're an experienced visitor - you'll be fine, even if it ends up to be more crowded than you anticipated!

Best wishes -
Once again, I totally agree with Carol! I would possibly suggest making some dining arrangements in advance, in particular if you are thinking dinner at Epcot.

I was there this year over MLK weekend, which hosted the largest convention in Orlando history. Parks were empty during the day, but a dinner reservation was pretty much impossible.

See you at SSR that week! :goodvibes
No no no no no! I promise I won't clog the line - I much prefer the DL version and usually only ride once at WDW each trip.

But I WILL be clogging the line for Peter Pan and TTA!!! :rotfl:


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