

Earning My Ears
Oct 8, 2005
My clipping skills are terrible. :mad:

How do all make it look so good? I've been trying to cut out the fabulous mickey head that N&J'sMom made for me and I'm not sure if I've had too much coffe or not enough. :hyper: :surfweb: :hyper:

Are you all just good from practice or are there any tricks of the trade?

BTW I am using Paint and a Broderbund program called Printmaster 16.
I hope someone has better ideas than mine. When I get done, my right hand is usually in a cramp.

BUT, I use my big scrapbook trimmer to do the ones with boarders. With more curvey ones, I still use the big one to get as close as I can. The I take my small scrapbook scissors to go in really close everywhere I couldn't get.

Good luck! :goodvibes


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