Swap postage question


<font color=teal>Was intimidated by her bug, but d
Aug 21, 2006
If a swapper finishes up a project a month ahead of schedule and wants to send it to the hostess, does it still have to go priority? Even on the slow boat it would get to the hostess ahead of schedule if it was mailed a month early. I was just thinking that I will probably be done with my ABC elements in the next couple of days, so there's no 2 day rush to get them to Susan. Can I ship them a less expensive way? I understand sending enough money to have it shipped back priority....I just wondered if I could save a few $$ by shipping it first class instead.
Yes. You can send it first class. I've done that before too when the items aren't so heavy that they need a flat rate envelope.
You should still use the Delivery Confirmation, which can be used on a first class package, but not a regular envelope.
Exactly what AWM said.. Ask AWM, I always send mine first class to her! She ships back priority unless I tell her otherwise! :) Most other times, I too send first class if I'm sending it out a month or more before the due date..
You can send it in that way- most hostess will send it back first class also if you want as long as you enclose that package to send them back in. I have done that with a couple of swaps.



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