Tandem Parasailing & Weight Minimums


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Aug 29, 1999
We would really love to parasail at Castaway Cay. DH and I have done it several times at other locales (although we were much younger) and DD and DS really want to try it. DS meets all the requirements but DD is a challenge.

Everything we have read says that each person had to be at least 90 pounds. DD meets the age requirement but is very petite and, even with rocks in her shoes :), she won't ever make 90 pounds by Christmas. DH thought that perhaps he and DD could sail tandem and then she could go as well.

Anyone have previous experience with this issue? Thanks so much!
When we were booking our excursions last April I had the same question, my 11 year old DS weighs 72lbs with rocks in his pants. I asked the wonderful CM, who I was booking the excursions with, and she asked someone else if the minimum weight applied if you were going tandem. (She asked me if I couldn't fatten him up with a week on the Magic since we wouldn't be at CC until then end of the week) Anyway, she said there was no 'weigh in' to go on the excursion and although she wouldn't guarantee it, she thought if he looked close there wouldn't be a problem. She was absolutely correct, there was no questions, we jumped on the boat and tandemed with no problem. You tandem with one in back, one in front, not side by side so there's no balancing problem. It was SO worth it, even though I was petrified before it was the best part of the trip for us.
I second that!!!

On our cruise in August my DD and I went tandem and had a blast. There was a mother that took her two DD's up one at a time with her. The one DD was under the 90 lbs min. weight, and nothing was said to the mother.
We had the same questions for our cruise two weeks ago and it was explained to us that if the child did not weigh 90 lbs they would have to go with another person, just as long as the two of them together did not weigh over 375 lbs.

Our DD-9 who weighs about 65 lbs went up with my husband. We all had a great time - definately a "must" do!!!!!

I am SOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to doing this on our cruise! However I am afraid of heights, isn't that strange? LOL But I was hoping my DS 8 could do it in tandem with me. I think it would be a special moment between he and I. :p
It doesn't even have to be close. Our son weighed about 50 pounds at the time we booked him and DH as a tandem (He was 8 1/2). They would have taken him, no questions asked. He refused to go though. DH ended up taking two rides.
To all =

This is such GREAT news!! Thanks so much for the updates and explanations. We are really excited. Now, I will just have to let Santa Claus know what we are planning so he can help by leaving an envelope for DD to open on Christmas Morning.

We are so looking forward to our cruise!! DD rode on her dad's back for the Dolphin Push and it was such a special memory for them. Now, they will have another one. Thanks, again.


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