The Big Brother Thread: For Fans Only!!

I can understand Danielle and Jack going out in last place, but Ian 4th? He didn't deserve that!! DIRK should of been 4th; Ian at LEAST in the top 3! I may not like Ian, but he was NEUTRAL all the way, which is a LOT better than being a totally you-know-what like Jade, Jo, Danielle, Cleo (and to a lesser extent, Dirk) was in their time in the house.

I knew Jermaine would get far; he was the most popular out of all of them. Shilpa could of won due to the media coverage that was invovled though..

Oooh Purdy Fireworks... :teeth:
Really pleased Shilpa won but could the result have been fixed??????


I guess so, I wouldnt like to believe anything like this would be but things have gotten so out of hand it could have been fixed. If it has i'm sure it will come out eventually


Well, I suppose it could have been, but I don't think the result was ever in any doubt after the Jade debacle.
There was no need for the result to be fixed: can you imagine the number of supporters that Shilpa had by the end? Millions of them.

I'm another that's glad its over (even though I watched nearly all of it :lmao: ) Did anyone else see Jermaine and Dirks conversation about 'the racism thing' it just proved that BB had spoken to the housemates about it, as they mentioned it was a huge deal outside the house. How would they know if BB hadn't mentioned it?
I'm quite happy Shilpa won, although I was personally rooting for Jermaine.
Danielle was on This Morning earlier today and she said that Jade and Jo had been told about what had been going on outside before they left. I didn't catch whether she said she had or not.
I am glad it's over, and don't think I will be watching BB8 (if there is one). However, I always say that and then end up watching the whole thing :rotfl:


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