The Daily Grind ~ 10/05/2016


Life is out there waiting so go and get it!
Nov 26, 2006

Soo much to do...we are under a tropical storm warning which means its coming! Oddly enough, the next county up the road is under a Hurricane warning, they are just a mere 47 miles away from us so we will see what happens. Waiting for the 8am advisory. My brother in Orlando and my baby brother in SC are also in the storms path. This storm is over 500 miles wide - yikes! Lots to do today....

Morning chores
Vacuum and mop floors downstairs
Light dusting
Pay bills
Run to Publix for more batteries - DONE
Hard boil some eggs - DONE

Fresh batteries in flashlights, lanterns and boom box
Bring in all patio furniture, grill, outdoor mats
Put up shutters
Catch up on laundry
Fill up water jugs
Fill tub with water
Turn fridge and freezer to coldest settings tonight

Gonna be a long couple of days.

Good morning.

Be safe Becky and Rebecca!!

Have heard from all our friends in Haiti and they are okay. Will find out today hopefully if our Jacque we sponsor for school who lives up on the mountain and his family are okay. They are still getting some rain, flooding looks aweful. Have some friends on the lower area of town so they are going to have lots of damage. Not sure yet of damage at Blb they will be assessing today. Thank you for your prayers!

Grateful I was able to sleep last night!

Make lunch
Megan up and out
Meet friend for coffee
Run couple errands
Pay bills
Balance checkbook
Make some GC holders for friend

Have a wonderful day :)
Good late morning!

P2000 & rlovew- P&PD! Stay safe!
m2mrb- :) for safety in Haiti!

Had coffee with Dsil (1st time in a couple weeks)
Town with DH
Make salad for fish fry tonight
Go to fish fry

It feels like I haven't been home in forever!

Have a great & safe day!!


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