The Disneyland Paris 13 Trip report..... Day 5


<font color=deeppink>I have not even been on my Ju
Mar 30, 2009
we were up again for 6 am we knew we had to crack on today as it was a French public holiday and it would be busy our mission for today was to meet Princess Tiana as she is my dd favorite princess, we knew there was an organized meet at the castle stage at 11.15.
on the way to the park we had noticed they had put a chair up with a christmas surrounding, this was situated by cafe mickey infront of the lake so we took a photo op.

on the way down the disney village it was very quiet as it was only 7.30 am so we took this oportunity to take some more photo's
is it ne or have they moved the car to over the road and added a new one infront of Ann

We noticed that people had already started entering the park it was only 7.45 so we headed on in by 8am we were already on Peter Pan for our few goes around we had got off to see what else was open. as usual Dumbo, snow white and Pinnocchio was closed, we noticed the cars going around in snow white so we asked if it was opening soon the cm said yes at 10am so over to discoveryland we went for buzz but we stopped for a go on pulling the sword out of the stone.

As we got to discoveryland the brave ones decided to go on sm which left me and mum with the 4 kids so we thought it would be a good idea to go on Buzz with them, we loaded ourselfs up with all the bags 2, 18 month olds a 4 yr old and a 2 year old we headed onto the ride on the way through we kept dropping the bags and the 2 little ones were getting heavy this was turning out to be a bad idea, we finally managed to get on but our nightmare was not over we had to get off and those convyerbelts don't help. one of the kids left there hat in the car so we had to chase it to get it back, needless to say we did not do that again:rotfl: we can laugh about it now.

my dh, dd, ds and i decided to go and have a look around the shops as by now it had really started to get busy it was only 9.30 and there was a 35 minute wait for Buzz.
Now it was 10.45 so we headed over to the castle stage to get in line for the meet with Tiana. woo hoo we were the first:cool1:. 5 minutes later loads of people joined the queue, we noticed how busy the park was getting. 11.15 came then 20 past then 25 past but still no Tiana eventually a cm came out and said because of the weather she would not be doing her meet out here she would do it in the castle. I asked where the queue for this was she said there is not one..... oh great.
i headed to wait with ds on the slope by the castle to the right while dd and dh went to find Tiana. all of a sudden Tiana and Naveen came past me. 15 minutes later dh and dd came back dd was really upset i asked what had happened dh said there were so many people pushing and shoving her she got scared so they had to leave. we waited about 30 minutes and went back to see if the amount of people waiting had gone down but no such luck. we dicided to give it another go but the same happened again adults pushing my dd we were about to give up when the crowds parted infront of us we wondered what was happening then prince Naveen came through and took my dd hand he took her up to Tiana and announced that my dd was his princess as she was wearing her Tiana dress (i think he saw what was happeing to her) this really made her day, she talks about it now.

By now the rain was really coming down so we went back to get dry and changed as we were soaked. we then headed on back to fantasyland and walked through Belle's village. It looks beautiful but very little huts were open

dd noticed that dumbo was open so we thought we had better have a go just incase it closed again. there was an hour wait.
heavens were really opened now so we thought we will head back as we could come back to the park later as we had a late night opening (until 9pm).

we headed out for an eraly dinner 3.30. the quietest place was Annettes and that still had a 30 minute wait to be seated even at this time of day.
After we went to catch the 5pm parade got there at 4.50 and it was already nearly over apparently they started early due to the weather.
we then headed for thundermountain but not before a photo op

We went on btm then the others wanted a go on indiana jones but before we left got another fp for btm. funny enough indiana only had a 5 minute queue even with the crowds. as they got off we had enough time to get over for our fp slot. got off and got another he he. we then headed for potc there was no queue here either we got straight on the boat, but as we got off 2 paramedics walked by with a stretcher i thought omg what's happened a cm said somebody had slipped on the way in. i hope that person was ok.
got out of potc and it was really raining so we headed for btm expecting it to be closed but it wasn't, if you ever get to do btm in the dark and rain... do it, it's so funny my hat would not stay on we all laughed so much. After 7 goes on here we headed over to fantasyland where we bumped into loladelorean and her family for a quick chat it was lovely to here dispite the rain they too were having a good time. we wondered around fantasyland all the rides were atleast and hour long. dh decided he wanted to take some photo's of mainstreet in the dark.
It was atill so busy so we dicided to head on back to bed.


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