The 'It's still Xmas in Disney!' TR


Earning My Ears
Jun 23, 2013
My first trip report :thumbsup2
Not sure how these are supposed to go so apologies ;) lol

We went from 5/1/14 to the 9/1/14 for 4 nights half board staying at the Cheyenne. It was myself and my 3 daughters in one room (aged 8, 7 and 3) and my mum and her partner next door!


Sunday started early but with a smooth journey to the train station then to St. Pancras to catch the 10.15am Eurostar. Spare seats of the train meant my 3 year old got her own seat after all which made the journey more pleasant. Was secretly pleased to hear from another guest that her trip cost £200 more than ours and I had 2 extra children with me!
Arrived at 2pm at the park. Girls weren't impressed that we had to get bus AWAY from the parks, but were excited to see the hotel as they have never stayed in one before. This was their first holiday abroad in fact so all the French speaking people was of great interest. My eldest had some lessons at school in French last term and impressed us all with her knowledge!
After settling in we made our way to the Disneyland park which was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations and we were impressed with the size of the tree! Booked our meal and sorted out daughters priority pass (she has a VI) and were out just in time to see the Disney is magic parade! Parade was brilliant and really got us into the spirit!

After the parade we went into the park for a while before heading back out for dinner at Billy Bobs Tex Mex. Meal here was very enjoyable and we got to use our vouchers for the first time. Kids ate well - even my fussy 3 year old - so that's always a win in any mothers book.

After dinner we went back to the park for some more rides in Discovery land before heading out for Disney Christmas Dreams. We could of gone in the 'disabled' section but opted to just stand to the side. We loved the show even when it did start to rain, especially all the fireworks at the end! Kids enjoyed seeing Olaf, although my mum and Roy had no idea who he was (made me glad I made sure we went to cinema to see Frozen before we went).

We then headed back to hotel and witnessed our one and only fight at the bus stop between some French guests when one pushed in. Thankfully children saw little only heard the shouting but still wasn't pleasant.

Once back at the hotel we just relaxed and watched some Disney on tv before collapsing in bed!


7.00am we were woken up by Mickey mouse on the phone :) Mickey continued to wake us up each morning.
Breakfast was chaotic, trying to get your own plus 3 children's breakfasts is fun, but once we were seated we filled up on Choc a pains, cereal and fruit.

Afterwards we met Minnie mouse at reception in her western dress then headed back to the Disney park. We spent the day going round the majority of the rides, using the access pass on the longer queues (daughter can manage short queues but longer ones with loads of people and noise stress her out). We visited Mickey in his house and saw a Christmassy 'It's a Small world' which my youngest LOVED!
I can't remember exactly what we went on but in the end the only rides we didn't get on were Indiana Jones, Star Tours, the steam train and the ones that were closed (Captain EO, the little train ride and the story tale boat ride). Weather was brilliant as had been predicted pouring rain all day so was very lucky!
We caught the Christmas parade which was short but sweet, lovely to see the floats and characters such as the incredible who weren't in the magic parade. We also saw Christmas wishes in the evening with was beautiful and the kids were amazed when it snowed!
We had dinner at Plaza Gardens which was disappointing as I explain in my highs and lows, expected more and didn't live up to expectations.
Went back to hotel before Dreams to beat the rush of the night before, enjoyed baths and hot choc with some more Disney channel.


On Tuesday my mum and Roy chose to go into Paris to do some sight seeing so after a more civilised breakfast (we cracked it by sitting the kids down first then each getting different things, I was on cereal and fruit duty :laughing:) they left us to our devices.
We headed straight to the Studios where we went on the flying carpet and radiator springs before meeting Buzz, we then went and met Cruella, Aladdin, Ariel and Mulan before seeing Animagic which was very sweet, stopped for lunch then went to see Stitch Live which was very funny! Our new catch phase is 'you is not from the Lundun!' After visiting Toyland we headed back to the Disney park and went and met Belle at the Princess Pavilion. My girls were dressed up and youngest was dressed as Belle so was pleased to meet her in the pavilion :) We also 'discovered' the dragon under the castle which terrified my middle daughter!
We then went back on 'It's a small world' which was still Christmassy - Christmas parades had finished but decorations remained up all week - shortly after we headed back to hotel to get changed (plus i'd forgotten the vouchers!) so had a bit of a rest before heading back to the Village. At the Village we had to find first aid as eldest had been complaining of headache all day and I had stupidly forgotten her medicine :headache:, wasn't the easiest to find but once we she was soon sorted with some parecetimal and we were on our way to Annette's. We enjoyed Annette's, kids loved the roller skating waiter and the food in baskets and was much easier for me on my own as it was table service and not buffet!
By the time we had finished it was gone 7pm so nothing to do but head back to collapse!


Wednesday we were with my mum and Roy again so headed back to the Studios where we saw a load more characters, went to see Cinemagic (which was really good!) and came out just in time to see Stars in Cars!
We also saw the stunt show which was good, although not as great as I thought it would be tbh although I admit I'm hard to please when it comes to those sorts of things .... if your not playing with your life you won't impress me!
After the Stunt show Roy went back to hotel to relax (his first holiday with children bless him it was all getting a bit much) so we went to the Art of Disney Animation (passed the time but not great IMO) and went on a few more rides such as Crushes Coaster.
In the eve we went to Café Mickey. Overall we had a good meal although some niggles such as slow service etc, however the characters interaction was brilliant so it more than made up for any minor faults! There were about 7 birthdays that eve so we spent a lot of time clapping but that just added to the happy atmosphere. Minnie was my fav there as she really gave the littlest guests a lot of time, including my own youngest daughter who she got up out her chair for a hug and a twirl!
After dinner it was back to the hotel for the night.


Our last day :( And the weather must of known as it was the coldest and greyest day, although still not as bad as we had expected. Got all packed up and left luggage in the holding room.
We split out last day in two, going into the studios to get a few more autographs and pictures, see Disney Junior Live and go on Armageddon which has been closed the previous day.
Afterwards we headed into the Disney park for another visit to the Princess Pavilion and this time saw Snow White, although we had already seen her in the Studios she really was lovely and had a good chat with the girls so was nice to see her :)
We tried to get on Star Tours but simply ran out of time as we still had to eat so instead headed to Planet Hollywood for our only 'paid' meal (we used my mum and Roy's extra vouchers they didn't use when they went into Paris to top up our Café Mickey meal). There we enjoyed burgers and chips before heading back to the Hotel to collect our bags and make our way home,
Trip home was uneventful, apart from having to be checked by the 'Bomb dog' which was as interesting to watch as it was a pain lol, lots of extra space on the 6.05 pm Eurostar so that was good again. Once back in London we caught the train straight away, just made the tram and then the bus and we were home! And what did we do? Why we watched Frozen of course lol!

All in all a FANTASTIC holiday! We all missed DP but tbh I don't think he would have enjoyed being on the go all the time, he is more a relaxing by the pool sort of person lol! Did get some gifts, I got a Minnie DLP mug and DP got a matching Mickey one, oh and couldn't resist getting him a Hollywood Hotel 'reception bell' which the kids are enjoying ringing to order another drink :thumbsup2

Kids already want to know when we can go back and go on the handful of rides we missed and the characters we didn't see! Considering they only have 2/3 pages left in their books I think they did well!!
Told them we might go back just before eldest hits 12 hopefully they will still be free :rolleyes1
A fun filled, busy 5 days! Flew by but any longer would have been wasted I think! I need this weekend to relax now!

Sure I've missed tonnes of details out but we did so much it's all a bit of a muddle in my head!
Will try and get some photos up, thanks for reading :)

fantastic trip report.............esp as we are heading to the Cheyenne in Feb! woo hoo. Looks like you got loads done and the kids all had a ball.

Did you have a kettle in your room then? At breakfast did you notice if there was a microwave available?

As we will be taking all our own food (due to allergies)

Will take own cereal for breakfast anyway and can use the microwave in the baby care center in the parks if I need to make something hot.
Hi there!

There was a kettle in my mums room but not in ours .... the base was there but the plug seemed to be broken as we couldn't plug it in, thankfully my mum had brought a travel kettle although we did have to boil the kettle on the floor!

I saw at least 4 microwaves in the Chuck Wagon :) so you should be fine. If it helps, all the cereal was kelloggs and consisted of special K, Frosties, Honey pops and 'Chocos' :) the latter being the favourite with my little people. They also served some sort of chocolate powder which people were mixing with milk ..... looked like chocolate ready brek mix but we never tried it to find out lol!

Lovely trip report.... You got so much done! Sounds like you all had a wonderful trip. Thank you for sharing x
Wow you managed loads & loads of rides! Sounds like you had a ball. Thanks for sharing :)
It sounds like you had a fantastic time :thumbsup2

So nice you got to see the Christmas parades etc at the start of your stay and you got so many rides done too.

We've got of the bells from TOT too for my DH - not that I ever answer to it :lmao:

Thanks for sharing - hope you manage to get some photos uploaded :goodvibes
Awww thank you for sharing!! Sounds fab and took me back to our trip in December!

You braved the Princess Pavillion twice? How long was the wait time?

C x


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