They just found my FIL dead in his house


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2004
I'm still in shock. My FIL was probably dead for a couple of days because he was already badly decomposing. Last time he was seen alive was Sunday by his tenant. My BIL called us tonight and told my DH to come over right away. They found him in his underwear on the floor near the bed. He had a life alert thing because he was diabetic, but he didn't have it on him. I feel so bad that my DH had to see him like that. He said you could barely see his face.

I hadn't spoken to him in years because he called me up out of the blue and cursed me out for no reason and said how I was "no good". I had never been anything but polite and nice to him, and never did anything to him. He had some psychiatric problems and takes pills, so I tried to forgive him and invited him over for Thanksgiving, and he started a fight then too. Last time I saw him was at my mom's wake, and I ran out when my friend said he came in. I didn't want a scene. Oh yeah, the time before that was the one time he came to see my mom in the hospital. I sat on the floor of the room and ignored him until he told her how being in the hospital wasn't bad because they feed you 3 meals a day and laughing. Then I lost it and left because I felt like saying it's not bad huh? Why don't you switch places with her and you can be dying of pancreatic cancer, but I bit my tongue and left.

Now I can never make peace with him.

Please send us the strength to get through another funeral and for my DS to get over losing his last grandparent. It was bad enough that he saw my mom die in front of him in my living room. Now he has nobody. I'm glad my DD is too young to really understand.

Now we have to go through the mess of dividing assets with his other son. I don't really speak to him either. He's a conniving drug dealer and his wife called me up years ago, mad at my FIl and thinking he was at our house and said we were losers and that she hoped my unborn son died before he was born. I was having a few problems in the pregnancy and didn't need to hear that. The house has to be sold within 6 months because he had a reverse mortgage. I just went through that with my mom's house. I was able to pay hers off because she just got it and they didn't disburse much, but he had his for a few years and recently did a lot of work on his house.

Wow, what an awful year we're having.
Mary.. I am so sorry.. this has been an awful year for you and your DH.. Please stay strong the next few days and just get through it.. You know, you can say a prayer that he is at peace now.. no more fights and that all is forgiven on your end.....and then just let it go... let it go.
Mary you all are in my prayers. Hang in there and know that we are all sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
Mackey said it best-"Let it go". You and your family are in my prayers & I am going to say an extra one for you...that you can "let it go" and have some peace for your sake.



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