Think of my mom on Sunday.


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2001
My beautiful mom passed away three months ago, very suddenly, from a stroke at the age of 69. Sunday would have been her 70th birthday and I am just overcome with sadness. She was my best friend and had seen me through breast cancer treatment this past year. She was much loved and a nurse who cared so much about others. She was also the best grandmother my kids could ask for. I know she is at peace but please remember her this Sunday if you can. I miss her.:grouphug:
I am so sorry.....sounds like she was an incredible woman....sending you lots of energy. It is so hard when you lose a loved one. Take it one day at a time. Hugs and when I go to church, I will think of her.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you are feeling. My mom passed away 23 months ago. I will pray for you.
My heart goes out to you - I'll say a prayer for your mom and for you, too, on Sunday. :hug:
I can't even comprehend losing my mom... I have helped her cope with illness and my goodness... I can't even imagine the loss I'd feel. I'll be sending good vibes your way tomorrow :goodvibes
My thoughts are with you. My mom passed away a year ago today, very suddenly also. She was having a routine surgery to insert a stint into her kidney. This was a precursor surgery...she had an aortic aneurism that they'd planned to repair two weeks later. The aneurism burst during surgery. THAT DAY was clearly not the day we were concerned about saying goodbye. Her death left us all with many regrets.

My heart goes out to you. I know personally I think of my mom daily, still often go to pick up the phone to tell her about something silly the kids did.
I am sorry for your loss, I will be thinking of you and your Mom today.
:hug: :hug: Your family is in my prayers.
Thank you for all of your kindness and support. The disboards are amazing! It was a tough day. My dad had my sister and I split up my mom's jewelery and that was really hard to do. But it is really nice to have the things that meant so much to her. It was really sweet to show my daughter the different pieces and explain them to her. There is a beautiful strand of pearls that I will let her have when she is 13. So many memories.

Not sure how you all feel about this but my family has tickets to see LIsa Williams in Flroida tomorrow. She is a Medium that had a show on Lifetime channel. It brings me comfort to believe that my mom is still somehow with us.:grouphug:


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