This is Halloween-lo-ween day 2 - penguin dance video now added!!


<font color=darkorchid>The most fab of surprises!<
Mar 5, 2008
Day 2

I awoke about 6.30am and cud hardly lift my head of the pillow, the pain was awful in my head, and I was feeling so very sick…. I lay for a while, hoping it wud ease off, but it didn’t and I ended up being sick in the toilet….. eventually the rest of the family woke, but I felt so bad, I felt sick, and the pain in my head was awful… dh got me sum water which I tried to sip (and brought back up) and so instead of getting up and into the park for emh, we were in the room and I was so sad….. I was shaking, and cud hardly stand, along with sickness and headache, and we actually started to discuss about coming home….. cudnt really stay in the room, as u know how it is when ur ill, u just want ur own bed and home comforts, and a hotel room doesn’t offer any of this!!

So, I texted Katrina to explain what was happening (or not happening) and in the end we arranged to meet in the park as I thought, if at least they all met, if I had to come back to the hotel, dh wud have company, but also hoped that maybe more ppl around, makes more distraction and wud help me a little… so, very slowly we got sorted and managed to make it into the park to get to plaza gardens where we had our breakfast booked….. I had now managed to keep sum water down, so I have a cup of tea and nibbled a bit of food, along with painkillers and sum salt water (easy rehydration drink – but tastes foul lol) and then met up with the most fab ppl in the world and who, without them, we wud probably have come home early!!!

So – this is now where it will be hard, trying to remember what we did, and knowing if I get it wrong, there is someone who will correct me lol I was now starting to feel a bit more ‘normal’ so decided to put a brave face on and just go for it and hope for the best, so I think we decided to head for BTM first, and then onto getting our face painted – and that was all of us!!! Even ds2 who hates things touching his face sat and got a pumpkin painted on – so very proud of him for this!! Then, as we hadn’t been on it yet – we headed for phantom manor – such fun here, as, when we came out one of the pumpkin men was stood on a ledge and jumping out at ppl as they came out!!! We then all had our pics with the pumpkin lady outside and then, as we walked down, saw sum of the villans out – ds1 went hunting shan-yu and I do think this is a great character!! He snatched the book out of his hand, ds1 was a lil unsure then, but he signed it and got a good pic, and then went off hunting a pumpkin man – eventually when he finally caught him, he was very mischeivious and wudnt give his pen and book back! For the picture, I think he was gonna pick ds1 upside down, but ds1 is tall & heavy so he ended up just picking him up, and afterwards mimed that his back was gone lol

Think after this we decided on food, and eventually settles for caseys – well, the others did, I just had sum fries – they are safe lol we then went and grabbed sum pictures and autographs from mr & mrs incredible off the character express and then got a space ready to watch the Halloween villans show!! Ds2 got up close and personal with shan-yu and think hes still a little unsure about him lol I got a very ‘close up’ of gaston when trying to get his picture and he saw me lol was a very good show and we got sum good pictures from behind!!

We then went to ‘visit’ the castle and the dragon and a toilet stop was made, except we all got split up and took so long regrouping, it was time for the main show on stage, so we went back to our spot! Katrinas ds got lots of attention as he was dressed up as stitch and so stitch, lilo & angel came straight up to him!! Again, got sum good shots and fab character interaction!!

After this, we split up, as we wanted to go and get the boys changed, and back into the studios so that ds2 cud meet sully, and ds1 cud meet stitch, so, we agreed a meetup time and headed off…… ds1 changed into his stitch costume, and ds2 into his sully costume and we headed off to the studios and headed to sullys meet n greet…. Didn’t need to queue up as sully spotted cay and came over, and gave him a huge hug – cudnt tell where ds2 ended and sully began!!! Got fab pictures, as a lot of interaction, and then whilst the boys were playing with the scream machine, sully came back over to ds2 for more interaction – ds2 was thrilled!!! We then went over to stitch but he wasn’t out, but goofy bellhop saw the boys and made a beeline for them, indicating he loved their costumes, and then stitch came out…. He was swamped with ppl but after hed seen a couple, he moved the others aside and came to the boys and compared costumes with ds1 lol both boys were so excited after this interaction – made it all worth it!! I was feeling a lot better now, so we decided to head and see toy story playland, and managed to get onto slinky dog, but parachutes had broken down… so we decided to leave and headed to mcdonalds for a ‘quick’ meal…….. haha I queued for about 45 mins before being served, there were no queues just a huge mass of ppl, and so, by the time we had finished it was time to meet up with Katrina and her family for mnsshp!!!

We ended up meeting up just outside starbucks, so walked down towards the park, and all about us, ppl were pointing and talking bout the costumes lol we got the wristbands and then I went to change…. My costume wasn’t brill, but was designed to be put over layers of clothes – I chose warmth and comfort rather than style lol
We headed down mainstreet with stops for picture taking – the castle looks excellent all lit up – and headed thru the castle into fantasyland…. Cant even remember what we did, but first character we saw was peter pan…. Except he ran off, but we caught up with him at peter pans flight (funnily enuf lol) I think we then went onto peter pan and headed to the teacups, but before we got on we saw alice & the mad hatter – they posed with the kids making scary monster faces – fab!!! They loved the costumes!! We then went onto the teacups – really look great when all lit up at night (well, everywhere does!) and then we headed towards IASW but spotted a lonely mulan, so she was accosted by 3 sulleys and a stitch lol she asked the kids to look out for mushu as he had vanished (we did look for him, but never did see him) so we went on IASW (and apparently robear was just after us – part of us nearly meeting but never quite…..) and when we came off we saw princess jasmine & abu who had a lovely chat with the kids (espec ds1 as he never stops talking!!) and then headed back into fantasyland and came across mary poppins & bert, who, after having pics taken, told us the ugly sisters were on the way out, and led them round saying lets all jump out on them!!! They then stopped and whilst waiting bert led a penguin dance – so very funny to watch (or video lol) and then the ugly sisters were spotted so they all went and shouted boo at them!! Managed to get pics with the sisters, but not step mum (cant remember her name lol) and one of the sisters was so funny – she was biased towards Scotland lol after seeing them, (and collecting a rather good haul of sweeties lol) we saw pinnochio and geppetto, and then headed under the castle towards frontierland as we wanted to see dr facilier….. caught up with cruella and donlad & daisy outside lucky nugget, and then headed over to phantom manor…. No dr facilier, but did meet up with jack & sally, although seperately, due to a rather rude bloke who pulled sally away when jack had just got her over for a picture….. oh well. So we decided to give in and headed to the stage to watch the villans show and it was packed, cud hardly see anything, but got a few pictures, and when the characters came round the kids tried to get in, but all the adults where totally non moving to let the kids thru, so, we headed towards pirates where we met captain jack – who was hilarious – never spoke, but kept poking and stroking the sully suit and acting very confused at both sully and stitch – got fab pics!!

Decided to call it a night as youngest 2 were flagging (and so was I but shhhhhhhhhhhh) and we caught the bus back to the hotel, after making arrangements to meet tomorrow for stars n cars

pics -!/album.php?aid=238151&id=636916821
and -!/album.php?aid=238273&id=636916821

btw - sorry they are so long lol
Really enjoying your TR. Echoed by many, the children's costumes were awesome! Great pics, especially of MNSSHP. They are so atmospheric. Gutted I'm going to miss this now; I opted for cheap BBWWS on the Tuesday 26th instead!
thanks hazel - am sure ull enjoy bbwws - we were like u - cud only do one or the other - and halloween is a fav here, so there wasnt much choice lol

think ull have to do another trip next yr then ;) its a good excuse lol
Yep, we were in the same boat - because my DD loves character-collecting so much, I'm glad we chose to go to MNSSHP this year :goodvibes.
Love the photos of Bert leading the penguin dance Nikki :worship:!
elaine - have a vid sumwhere - will get it uploaded and post a link - was soooooo funny!!
so sorry you were sick, i know what its like and it sucks. im glad you got up and going and had a great day. i think the worst thing you can do is lie down lol.

i love your pics, you had such great interaction.
Fantastic! MNSSHP look brilliant! Shame it's on a Friday night, the Saturday always puts me off.


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