Tips for phoning for PS's


May 17, 2004
I phoned today for the first time (from Canada) to book some PS's and I was on hold for 15 minutes before I spoke to a person. I called 3 times before 7 and got the "we're closed" spiel. When I called at 7am I had to wait. Is that a normal waiting time? Is there any tricks to avoid waiting so long?

Depends.....sometimes I have had no wait and other times :faint: I have found it best if you memorize or write down what numbers you need to push and then do it automatically and sometimes this seems to work. I think it also depends on the time of year for your PS. Good Luck.
I too have experienced this and have come to my conclusion that Disney is in cahoots with the phone company:rolleyes: There is just no reason to have to be put on hold for as long as they do, I have also found on many occasions that I get different answers, and alot of times different rates just by talking to one and then hanging up and calling again:mad: Disney is probably the largest vacation resort in the world and yet they have no toll free number, just makes you wonder if my first statement is true! I call from the state of FL and still I have to listen to a whole album of music and go through the same questions and push buttons routine over and over!
:cat: :cat: :cat: :fish:
keiki,binky&mouse my 3 beautiful white kitties
If you were calling at 7am EDT, the 15 minute wait was because of people trying to book Cinderella Royal Table for the character breakfast. Unless that is what you're trying to get, I'd try any time BUT 7am.::yes::
There is a toll-free number, not sure if it works outside the US or not. 800-828-0228. I called every day last week for PS, and sat happily on hold on Disney's dime. Well, not happily, but at least it wasn't costing me, especially the day I was on hold for 25 minutes!
Bigbabyblues..thanks for that info I guess I have been in the dark for to many years. I have just always used the 407-WDW-Disney number but you can bet your sweet bippy I will now use the toll free number! Many many thanks!
I called a couple of weeks ago (about 30 days out) and was never put on hold. I think I called around 1 PM pacific time and had no problem whatsoever. The CM was nice, the only thing that was hard is that she did not speak clear english so I had to have her repeat herself a lot.
Chyam--You're very welcome! I found the # on this board, and it saved me lots of phone bills! Especially considering when I made my original reservation, I was on the phone for about 45 minutes!
i called the 1-800-828-0228 this morning to make a PS and had absolutely no wait someone picked up right away. It was great


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