To many passed away this month


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2007
I don't even know where to start the months of June/July has be the most horrible time that I can remember.

On June 22nd my dear friend past away, it has been awhile since she and I have talked but when we did it was like there was never any missed time.

I get a call on Monday morning around 8:30 est stating that my grandma has taken a turn for the worst well the whole family gather around we all gave our blessing for her to go and be with our grandfather(dad etc,). I did not leave her side not for one moment (I was up for 41.5 hours straight)I just could not leave her. As the time came nearer to my grandma's death i kissed her good-bye and told her that one day we would be together again and I thought she looked up and me and smiled and had tears in her eyes, now I don't know if she knew what I was saying or not but it did mean alot to me at the time and as she took her last breath I was holding her and brushing her hair back and looking into her eyes and again she was crying, tears weld up and I knew at that point she had taken her last breath and she was gone. A little background for you all. I was adopted when I was just six weeks old and it took me until I was 28 yrs old to find my biological family(which this grandma was)and I had been told so many unnice things about her(grandma)and my grandfather how they never wanted me and how they took my bio-father to court after i was given up for adoption, as you can see where this may go, I had no love loss for them growing up(I didn't know them until I was 28)but when I met her(grandma)for the first time I have never felt so g:guilty: for feeling the way that I did. Through the wonderful and short years we had together I couldn't say how sorry I was to her nearly enough and in the end I said it yet again and I just hope that she knew that I loved her very much. Side note my grandfather passed away 1 month prior to me meeting the family.:sad2:

Then in between all of this a fellow worker that I used to work with and who used to be a friend at one time decieded that it was time for him to take the lifes of his wife and child and then himself (at this point I want to have a breakdown:sad2: ).

It really doesn't stop here either. I got sick through the funeral of my grandma (which I was supposed to sing at with my cousins)then the following weekend our dog was put in the hospital for 3 days and on this past Sunday my DBF and I went to the movies and my necklace that he had bought for me a couple of christmases ago broke and I lost the pendant. Thats right how bad can ones luck be. Now I am not saying please pitty me I am not that kind of gal but my lord how much more can I really take Oh did I mention that when we took our dog to the vet for a check up after being in the hospital that our other dog Jilly the vet thinks she has a cancerous tumor on her leg.:headache: :mad:

Thank you all for letting me I guess vent.

I just need Sept. to come so I can just relax and enjoy the magic of WDW and MICKEY & MINNIE
I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope that next month is better for you!



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