Trusting the 10-day forecast?


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
I know, I know--the weather is the last thing I should worry about with all the planning I still have to accomplish before we leave in 5 days.

However, can anyone speak to the accuracy of the 10-day forecasts at I see for the dates of our trip that virtually every day is "mostly cloudy." Now I know I should be thankful--who wants the sun beating down on them in 90 degree heat. I guess I just always thought of Orlando as sunny. And it would be nice to have a little blue sky for those photo opps. Don't want to see gray every day.
that is the same forecast we got for our Mar./Apr. trip we had everything!! From the most rain Fl. had seen in years,to Burning Hot days,the worst for me was the Muggy days w/ too much humidity,very bad for my asthma!! We had 2 days with Thunder Storms,dd is a fraid of thunder!!
As a degreed meteorologist, let me tell you what my professor told us in college...any forecast beyond 36 hours is approximately 30% accurate. Of course, this increases in an area where the climatology is pretty steady, such as Florida, but I wouldn't rely on the 10 day forecasts too too much.
We had the same forecast three weeks ago and it was beautiful almost everyday. It did rain almost every afternoon for about an hour or so...Pack those ponchos!
My experience tells me that the ten day forecast provides a pretty good indication as to the temperature but as far as sun / clouds and rain is concerned isn't all that factual. Last year we worried alot about a long range forecast then had wonderful weather.
We just moved from Florida after living there for 6 years. You know it will be hot. It could rain or shine any moment of any day. It is too changeable to predict. Ignore the forecast, but if you already have ponchos from some other trip, be sure to bring them so you won't have to pay for new ones.
When we went in Jan., the 10-day forecast we wrong almost every day. As someone mentioned, it was fairly accurate for temps, but otherwise nothing was correct. The forecast called for thunderstorms almost all week. The only time it rained was the day it wasn't supposed to.


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